Insider 12 / 2020
BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 21 No. 12/20 32 block set-ups often result in efficiency losses. We really notice that when one of our buffer towers goes down and has to be bypassed. Efficiency immediately drops by four or five per cent.” Clear favourite for labelling As a private-label producer, Grop- per makes countless different prod- ucts and brands. In order to meet its customers’ demands, the company has to be able to offer all label- ling options. Therefore, both of the new lines include a Solo- modul, each of which has two docking sta- tions for wrap- around, pre-cut, and lid labelling stations. The set-up can also accommodate integration of two Autocol labelling stations for self-adhesive labels if needed. If Gropper needs to handle spe- cial-shaped bot- tles on the new lines, a Sleeve- matic can do the labeling. “We change labels at least five or six times a day. We chose a modular labeller to keep time losses to a minimum,” says Burgmeier. Gropper has trusted Krones labelling technology ever since they installed their first PET line as Karl Klein explains: “When it comes to labelling, we’ve never gone with anyone but Krones. Their roots are in labelling and I have the greatest trust in them.” To date, Gropper has also exclusively chosen Krones Contiform stretch blow-moulders for bottle pro- duction. Direct access is a major advantage The collaboration on PET plastic packaging is just one more milestone in the two companies’ long partner- ship. “Krones has been a dependable partner to Gropper for more than 30 years. Even though the group has grown to be quite large, we know that we will always have a contact person there who can answer our questions and help solve any problems that arise,” says Burgmeier. Klein adds: “Since the majority of our products are chilled foods, we have to operate 24/7 filling specific orders. Line uptime is essential. Of course, you’ll have an occasional downtime or need a spare part at short notice. At those times, it’s important to have a supplier who will deliver service or spare parts quickly and dependably. Our close proxim- ity to Krones’ headquarters is also a major advantage.” But Klein also sees the partner- ship as a win-win for both compa- nies. “We get reliable machines and service from Krones, and Krones gets to observe its machinery in a long- term field test and apply its findings to future developments and improve- ments. Each time we come up with a new project, we have very specific ideas and expectations about how we want production to look and how we can make it even more efficient. Krones listens carefully, takes on our challenges, and does everything in their power to make our expectations reality.” Berthold Burgmeier, Head of Engineering (left), and Karl Klein, Managing Director Production and Technology