Insider 01+02 / 2021
MATERIALS / RECYCLING 13 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 Through its working group, Petcore is developing studies to present data on the enhanced chemical recycling processes, where collected post-con- sumer PET from the market is depoly- merised to starting materials, purified terephthalic acid (PTA) and mono-eth- ylene glycol (MEG) which can be used for making new polymers. Pilot plants have already given proof of concept, and demonstration plants are in con- struction and commissioning to exhibit scale up of operations. What is clear is that PET collected from the market is being re-used to create PET/polyester for the same end use giving a physically evident circular business model with recycled content in product placed on the market. Chemical recycling – Depolymerisation of PET to monomers – Claims and concerns Several scientific papers and NGO reports are expressing concerns that chemical recycling is over- stating claims of lower GHG emissions and the improved LCA of recycled materials. Plus, the issue that chemical recycling could be bad for the environment due to by- product waste management. Petcore supports the fact the any scientific data must be robust and compre- hensible. Going back to the “licence to operate”, your sins will find you out if the overstatement of perfor- mance does not materialise. Add to this the EU Com- mission wishes to crack down on “Green Washing” so claims for performance will need to be accurate and auditable. Petcore agrees LCA analysis can be misinter- preted and can be mislead- ing. The aspect raised in Zero Waste Europe’s Study “Understanding the Environ- mental Impacts of Chemical Recycling” makes sense to Petcore and we would encourage all NGO’s to work with the industry to bring our col- lective objectives together. At the start it was mentioned the value chain for PET wishes to comply with the requirement to address recyclability and increase recycling of PET to bring about a circular business model. In that, the industry wishes to ensure that all aspects of environ- mental and sustainable production are addressed, auditable and prove that the recycle business is the right alter- native for the defined end use. Petcore encourages NGO’s and scientific researchers to approach us, as we will work with them to ensure the goal to bring circular business to PET is met along with meeting the condi- tions for a licence to operate.