Insider 01+02 / 2021

MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 01+02/21 14 New edition of Plastics’ market watch series focuses on the U.S. plastic bottles market Recycling in the U.S. The Plastics Industry Association (Plastics) released a new Plastics Market Watch report, ‘Plastic Bottles Today: Innovating to Reach Today’s Consumer’, which shows that demand for plastic bottles continues to grow in the United States. In the report, the association throws light on the bottling market landscape; innovation with machines, materials and designs; demand and supply dynamics and on the current recycling situation. The U.S. market for plastic bottles IBISWorld reported in 2020 that the U.S. plastic bottles market size measured in revenue to grow at an annualised rate of 0.7% to US$ 11.9 billion over the next five years. How- ever, estimates vary on the market size for plastic bottles. Assuming increased consumer demand for plastic bottles, Plastics’ new study is a timely look into the trends that shape the plastic bottling sector. The study provides insight for the entire plastics industry and supply chain, as well as brands and other stakeholders, into the growth and usage of plastics for bottling and containers. While bot- tles can be made with an array of polymers, PET is the leading plastic bottling material. Bottlers are using PET to develop lighter packaging that saves costs in raw polymers, energy and transportation. The PET bottle designs are also attractive to consum- ers in packaging and sustainability. PET is used for single-serving bever- age choices and small or medium- sized food bottles while HDPE can mostly be found in larger gallon-sized bottles like milk or for vinegar and chocolate syrup bottles. PP is used in a variety of products, including medicines, maple syrup or ketchup containers. In total, the North American beverage industry expects a 4.5% growth rate in the years leading up to 2028, for a total value of $45.5 bil- lion, according to the report. Plastics packaging will be used for 55% of the bottling needs in the years ahead according to PMMI, but competition between manufacturers of packaging materials will continue. PMMI predicts that aluminium cans and glass bottles will also undergo significant innova- tions. PET is the material of choice for water, carbonated soda, teas, sports drinks, and other beverages. Ameri- can consumers want bottled water available for purchase where other beverages are sold, gaining market share at the expense of carbonated sodas or fruit drinks, according to the International Bottled Water Associa- tion (IBWA). IBWA reports wholesale dollar sales of bottled water grew 7.3% in 2018 to $18.4 billion; per capita, consumption rose 4.3% to 42.3 gallons, while soda and fruit drink consumption both declined in 2018. Information Resources Inc. (IRI) reported a 5.7% growth of bot- tled water in 2019.