Insider 01+02 / 2021
TRADE SHOW REVIEW 42 No. 01+02/21 sorting and recycling rates for paper and domestic waste.” For cardboard, paper and unsorted domestic waste, Tomra and the municipality devel- oped a unique recycling facility, the IVAR Sorting Plant, which was con- structed around 15 km to the south of Stavanger in Sandnes. It has been operating since January 2019 and it processes waste from the municipal districts of Sola, Gjesdal, Randaberg, Finnøy, Kvitsøy, Klepp, Hå, Time and Ryfylke, as well as Stavanger and Sandnes. The facility achieves an annual throughput of 25,000 t of paper and cardboard and up to 70,000 t of domestic waste. Alongside machinery from Sutco Recyclingtechnik, various types of Tomra Autosort technology are used. Besides sorting, there is also a washing and extrusions line in the same space. “It has been possible to quadruple the recovery of plas- tics from domestic waste,” said Dr Rehrmann. The Stavanger study by Eunomia showed that the previously estab- lished recycling system produced a recycling rate of 50.8%, explained Dr Hogg. This corresponded to a reduc- tion of greenhouse gases by 67.3%. The possibilities of the new facility should bring the recycling rate to 64.7%. This is already very close to a future EU directive of 65%, which would correspond to an effective emissions reduction of 75.2%. A webcast viewer asked about the sub- sequent quality of the recycled material and Dr Rehrmann was able to give a positive response. He said that depending on material quality, e.g. for PET and PS plastics, it was technically possible to process these into food- grade packaging, even after sorting from domestic waste. We at PETplanet asked how materials sup- pliers and converters could best be incorporated into the circular economy, for example through own re- collection of packaging or by installing inhouse recycling systems. Dr Rehrmann explained that chemical companies, for example, could basically no longer ignore the waste situation, which is why many of these companies are relying increasingly on their own recycling facili- ties. Sponsors to date Spring – Autumn 2021 TOUR SPONSORING PACKAGE Company logo on the Editourmobil Full page Tour advertisement featuring sponsor company logos in PETplanet magazine Sponsor companies descriptions and logos featured in the Tour sponsorship brochure Square banner small on the website* Logos of sponsors in the Tour section on the website Company logo under every tour article published in PETplanet magazine Roll-up display banner with sponsor logos featured in photo shoots at various locations during the Tour The Tour and sponsors will be promoted at Drinktec, Munich, October 4-8, 2021 Participation fee: 5,950€ The worldwide round trip with Back to Europe After our last Editour “From Down Under to Japan” PET- planet will be continuing its journey this year in a second stage of its Tour bringing news and exploring the innovations of technology hub Europe! 2021 will be the year of the new start, of renewal and for developing new ways of think- ing. During and especially after the pandemic, it will be vital to make every effort to get the global economy back on track in the medium term. Sustainability will be the key. Once again PETplanet will be at the forefront, as partner in the world’s leading beverage trade fair Drinktec to be held in Munich from 4-8 October 2021. After the success of our previous Drinktec Road Shows 2017 in South East Asia and last year in Australasia, we will be back on the road in Europe this spring with our Editourmobil for a new get- together with the industry. We will be revealing the results of our meetings and discussions at Drinktec with the leading thinkers in PET processing, packaging and recycling. Apart from new technologies we will be also taking stock of how things stand. We will be asking how global think- ing might change as a result of COVID-19. How will bilat- eral business relationships cope with the aftermath of the pandemic? What opportuni- ties will there be for the drinks industry and its suppliers? Our planning, in terms of precise timeframes and details of the countries to be visited will be flexible to take account of the rapidly changing pandemic situation. However, this much we can confidently say: in these challenging times, we as the voice of the PET industry will be at the very heart of the roadshow as usual and are already looking forward to welcoming you back on board the Editourmobil! Share with us this exciting experience! Interested in being interview ed? barton@hbmedia .net Let Your Inspiration Flow. 7KH (XURSHDQ 5RDG 6KRZ PART2 Empowered by drinktec Interested in be coming a Spon sor? sales@hbmedia .net