Insider 01+02 / 2021
7 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 01+02/21 Sacmi: RigidPackagingTechnologies B.U. established All of Sacmi’s closure, preform, container, computer vision system and post-processing operations are being brought together in a newly formed Busi- ness Unit RigidPackagingTechnologies. This operation is part of a wider Sacmi strategy of developing technologies and solutions for every stage of the produc- tion process, with applications ranging from post-processing to research into new materials. General Manager of the B.U. is Vezio Bernardi. The new B.U. aims to take a sector and technological trend-based approach by setting up new, effective internal synergies. Moreover, it aims to merge cores businesses (such as cap, preform and container-making technolo- gies) with new ones in post-processing, an area strengthened in 2020 by the acquisition of Velomat, a specialised designer and builder of high-speed assembly machines for cap closures, micro-pumps and medical devices. Lightweighting, tethered caps, inte- grated capsule-preform design, in-line computer vision systems that use pre- dictive and A.I. algorithms: these are just some of the things the Business Unit will focus on during 2021 as it seeks to strengthen its technologies for each business area-sector. This will begin with areas such as the latest generation of single and multi-layer CCM compres- sion presses and technologies for the production of PET preforms (IPS) and PET, PP and HDPE containers (CBF, blow moulding, form-fill-seal, with synergies extending to the Sacmi beverage world). That strengthening will also involve, together with plastics, the metal packag- ing production/quality control sector, the search for alternative materials to plastic and other future developments the inter- national packaging industry might need to face in the coming years. Krones virtual showroom online The Krones virtual showroom serves as a communication platform to secure and build customer relationships even in times of travel restrictions and cancelled trade events. Especially during the Covid-19 pan- demic, new forms of communication have become increasingly important, with virtual interaction replacing many face-to-face meetings. This is true not only for the pri- vate sphere but also for the Krones sales department, which is having to manage without trade fairs at a time when visits to customers are severely restricted. Back in April 2020, Krones created a digital trade fair stand as a platform for customer meetings and at the same time started working on a larger-scale solution: a virtual showroom, which has been online since November 30, 2020. “This showroom is not intended as a trade fair replacement but as an enhancement to trade fairs and also as a long-term communication platform, even when trade fairs are able to resume again in their usual format,” explains Peter Moertl, Press Relations Krones AG. MetaPure Recycling System The showroom includes 3D models of machines that have been made virtu- ally accessible – an advantage illustrated especially by the recycling system for PET and Polyolefin, Krones MetaPure. Although in reality this is several hundred cubic metres in size, interested viewers can inspect it from all angles online and even go right into the system, without having to travel. Everything from the separating of the baled product, the de- labeller, the sorting tower, the individual washing modules and the decontamina- tion module MetaPure S can be seen by the viewer conveniently on the screen. Alongside the 3D models, the virtual showroom also includes its own confer- encing tool, through which customers can find out more about the Krones portfolio in personal meetings with sales consultants. tual- krones-showroom.php BERICAP Tethered Cap Solutions • Easy& intuitive handling • 180° opening • No change to - Neck finish - Capper - Filling line Approved and ready for line trials now!