Insider 03 / 2021
EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 03/21 13 Drinks industry and trends There are a few major Japanese beverage firms and two foreign com- panies, Coca-Cola and Nestlé, which make up the dominant share of all beverages available in supermarkets and vending machines. Amongst the biggest Japanese firms for beer, spirits, and non-alcoholic beverages like tea, coffee or CSD are Asahi, Kirin, Suntory, and Sapporo. In its report “The Con- sumer Impact of Coronavi- rus in Japan”, Euromonitor illustrates how the habits of the Japanese popula- tion have changed in recent months. With regard to the drinks landscape, the coun- try, whose liquor market is one of the largest in the world, is currently show- ing a fall in the consump- tion of alcoholic drinks. According to forecasts, a market volume of € 107.125 million will be reached in 2025, which corresponds to annual sales growth of 2.73% (CAGR 2021-2025). Capital growth will be driven primarily by premiu- misation and the growth of out-of-home consumption. Ideas driven by the pan- demic, like online drink- ing sessions, are currently enjoying increasing popu- larity and are counteracting the collapse of sales. In the beer sector, many are looking increasingly to non- alcoholic options. The market for non- alcoholic drinks has been able to grow in recent months, particularly for drinks that offer immune- boosting or stress and body-fat reducing benefits. In 2019, sales of sugar-free tea and coffee drinks and mineral water increased too and are considered to be future growth catego- ries. Here, Suntory, BritVic and Kirin are of particular regional significance, along with the regional bottlers of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, such as Coca-Cola Euro- pean Partners (CCEP) or Femsa. As listed by Statista, market sales of non-alcoholic drinks should amount to around € 56.403 million in 2021. According to forecasts, a market volume of € 65.390 million will be reached in 2025; this corresponds to annual sales growth of 3.77% (CAGR 2021-2025). In this market, this converts to around € 447.46 per capita across the population in 2021. Share of container package in 2019, based on output (Source: JSDA)