Insider 03 / 2021

BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 03/21 29 working with the OEM bottler Asagiri Beverage, which also belongs to our group. Asagiri fi lls 500ml and 2 l PET bottles, which are available in over 1000 supermarkets and food shops.” Moreover, Asagiri Beverage has been able to implement a material reduction in bottle manufacturing of 60% to date and is the fi rst manufacturer in Japan to launch a 100% bottle-to-bottle rPET bottle with a 38% reduction of CO 2 in the manufacturing process. Sustain- ability resonates throughout the com- pany. Alongside the economic promo- tion of the local region, Mt. Fuji Spring also contributes to environmental pro- tection and conservation, for example through donations to the Hiderou Awai Environmental Foundation. The company showed economic growth of an average of 20% on the previous year. Overall, the company employs 261 staff. hardness soft water vana- dium Energy, protein, lipids & carbohydrates Sodium (salt equivalent) calcium magnesium potassium pH weakly alkaline Frecious Fuji characteristics 24mg/l 79 μ g/l 0 0.57mg (0 g) 0.59mg 0.22mg 0.08mg 8.3 Frecious Asagiri Kogen characteristics 85mg/l 180 μ g/l 0 8.0mg (0.02 g) 1.5mg 1.1mg 0.29mg 8.5 Frecious Kiso characteristics 20mg/l 0 0.19mg (0 g) 0.56mg 0.12mg 0.06mg 7.7 Lightweight PET bottle Each content is per 100ml Customer Factory INTRAVIS Service 1-"45*$ 1"$,"(*/( 7*4*0/ */41&$5*0/ 888 */53"7*4 $0. "-8":4 #: :063 4*%& */ 1&340/ 03 0/-*/&