Insider 03 / 2021

BOTTLING / FILLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 03/21 33 Productive even in lockdown As in many other countries, the corona crisis threatened to sabotage the planned schedule in Israel, too. The country was one of the fi rst to go into full lockdown – just as the engineers were about to ramp up the fi nished line. It quickly became clear that the installation team was now stuck on site and that no new ser- vice engineers could be fl own in – a situation that naturally caused some uncertainty as nobody knew how long it would last. After much consulta- tion the two parties mutually decided to carry on working. Tempo went to great effort to ensure that the KHS employees on site felt safe at all times despite them having to unintentionally extend their stay. In light of Tempo’s good care and support, the twelve people on the KHS team fully backed the aforementioned decision and made the best of the situation. For its part, Tempo used the time to have its employees trained by its guest engineers and with the help of online courses so that they would be able to As the biggest producer of alcoholic beverages and the third-largest sup- plier of soft drinks Tempo Beverages is known to almost the entire population of 9.1 million in Israel. quickly and independently solve any problems that might arise. Once the new line had been fi nally accepted in June 2020, the last KHS engineers left in Netanya were able to travel back home. Satis fi ed customer Despite the adverse circum- stances production resumed on Line 12 just seven weeks after the old fi ll- ing setup was shut down. The planned increase in capacity to 32,000 bot- tles maximum every sixty minutes was also realised in the previously ‘underutilised’ packaging and palletis- ing area, enabling the agreed overall equipment ef fi ciency of 92% to be already surpassed during the accept- ance test. Tempo is already looking to the next joint project: a KHS canning line with a maximum output of 40,000 cans per hour. When asked what else his company is planning for the future, Daniel Beer, deputy CEO for Tempo replies, “We have to react to the sig- ni fi cant changes we’re noticing in con- sumer behaviour. We’re doing this by strengthening our core brands on the one hand and investing in innovation on the other – either by expanding our product range, introducing new brands or coming up with new forms of presentation.” l l