Insider 03 / 2021

COMPRESSORS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 03/21 42 PETplanet: So the next improve- ment plans for the Vito Next are already on your agenda? Sandeep Gadkary: Yes – again, continuous improvement is a key focus, not only for the Vito Next compressor range, but in general for the lean culture that our company is adopting. Almost every company nowadays understands the need to deal with ever-increasing threats and disruptive changes by continually inno- vating. This challenge requires entirely flexible organisational structures and skills. The packaging industry is no exception and it is affected by mega- trends driving innovation: sustainability and circular economy, biopolymers, rPET, light weighting, and eco-design packaging lowering outlet pressure, different packaging formats, and all- pervading efficiency. Improvements that could be shown not only in the compressor design but even by its diversification for different applica- tions, like nitrogen, or heavy-duty oil- free industrial compressed air. PETplanet: Finally, a general ques- tion: Siad has customers all over the world. Which special geographical fea- tures particularly affect the compres- sors and require special adjustments or maintenance? Sandeep Gadkary: Severe or extreme ambient conditions affect compressor design and performance, and clearly these can be linked to specific geographic installations. Our Vito compressors’ population, as well as our process gas compressor popu- lation, are operating in many differ- ent world locations in totally different conditions, from the frozen areas of the Russian Siberia down to the very hot and dry conditions of the Middle East, or in the hot and humid tropical coun- tries. For air compression systems, monitoring the dew point - the tem- perature at which your compressed air becomes saturated - is critical to keep- ing the equipment running efficiently and effectively. Dryers are essential in maintaining compressed air dry and free of moisture and contaminants. This said, even the compressor installation plays an important role: for instance, we have successfully installed and operated a Vito Next reciprocating compressor on the 4 th floor of a high-rise building, and this was some challenge, not only for compressor transportation, but keep- ing operational and maintenance parameters under a certain perfor- mance threshold. For such demanding Siad Macchine Impianti is part of the Siad Group. The Siad Group was established in Bergamo, Italy, in 1927 and it is extensively involved in indus- trial gases; engineering; healthcare and LPG and natural gas. Siad Macchine Impianti specialises in the design, manufacture and installation, throughout the world, of Air Separation Units to produce indus- trial gases, reciprocating compressors for process gases and air (including API 618 and ISO 13631) plus LNG Liquefaction plant. The company sup- plies the refinery, petrochemical, chemical, energy, food and beverage and industrial gases sectors. installations, the compressor package must be equipped with further special features: The noise level must be opti- mised to comply with very restricted limits, and the mechanical vibrations as well as the specific static weight on the supporting surface must be reduced. PETplanet: Thank you very much! COMPLETE TECHNICAL SOLUTION CHINAPLAS2021 meet us in hall6 C41 FROM PCR PET BOTTLES TO 100% FOOD GRADE RPET PELLETS - FDA Approval - Low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) - Energy Saving - Low Loss CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ! WWW.BO-RE-TECH.COM | +86-573-85120186 | [email protected] Bottle-to-Bottle “ ” Vito Next 970