Insider 03 / 2021

LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 03/21 49 Increasingly appreciated and requested the pre-glued-linerless machines are currently used in various applications: from soft drinks to mineral waters, up to fruit juices and yogurt drinks. For this reason, the suppliers of pre-adhesive labels are constantly growing globally, thus guaranteeing a good supply of material to the owners of machines with adhesive technology. “When customers see Simpl-Cut at work they are impressed by its effectiveness and user-friendliness,” - concludes Bruno Negri. “Many people want to equip themselves with this innovative technology, so much so that today we already have dozens of machines installed worldwide. Famous natural mineral water brands have been among the first to benefit from it. For example, Spumador, part of the Refresco group, already has four Simpl-Cut Flex installed in differ- ent factories and intend to purchase new ones. Volvic, a brand of the Danone group, is another important reference.” The production activities of the companies that have already equipped themselves with Simpl-Cut are now widely optimised and main- tenance costs have greatly reduced, said P.E. Labellers. The P.E. nov- elty has just been conceived and is already in the spotlight: the beverage sector needs smart solutions that can meet the need for flexibility, speed and performance. EISBÄR TROCKENTECHNIK GMBH / Wuhrmühle 22 / 6840 Götzis / T +43 5523 55558-0 / F –50 / [email protected] / GDS GRANULE DRYING SYSTEM 94 % WATER SAVING We took a closer look at our GDS granule drying systems. The result is astounding. We were able to reduce the cooling water consumption drastically. You are having a GDS granule drying system from Eisbär and would like to take advantage of the savings? Please contact us: [email protected] As example for GDS1100: New water consumption litre per minute 12 Water saving litre per hour 9,180 Water saving litre per year 78,030,000 Calculation based on an assumption of 8,500 operational hours per year and a cooling water temperature of 12 °C.