Insider 04 / 2021
TOP TALK PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 04/21 12 refreshment. Representative products such as Dali Group’s peanut milk and Panpan Group’s raw coconut juice are typical products bottled using aseptic technologies. In 1999, we became the first sup- plier in China to engage in aseptic technology. Building on our experi- ences and continuous improvement through six generations of aseptic technology, we initiated, developed and launched our 7 th generation aseptic equipment, which features integrated combiblocs and high speed lines. Newamstar offers a complete range of sterilisation, including wet, dry and e-beam technologies. PETplanet: What do you see as the general PET trends, today and in future? Tony Ho: PET is still the most widely used beverage package format. Its recyclability is way better than paper, glass and metal. Demand for PET is growing in non-food sector, such as cleaning chemicals and homecare, an area where we devel- oped good relationships with manu- facturers. PETplanet: The Covid-19 pan- demic caused the whole world to stop. Whilst China was able to control the virus in a short time, other countries and regions globally haven’t. What does that mean for you as a Chinese supplier with a global customer base? Tony Ho: We expect that the world economy will emerge from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic gradually. After the pandemic was controlled in China, Newamstar recov- ered production and operation quickly and was soon able to resume good standards of service for our customers in China and around the world. PETplanet: Did you encoun- ter issues affecting supply for your products or difficulties in logistics, for example? Tony Ho: Logistics and transpor- tation were somewhat affected but control of the situation has seen the impact essentially eliminated. PETplanet: How did the pandemic affect your daily work in your HQ? What arrangements did you imple- ment to ensure safety? Tony Ho: Our company recovered production and operation quickly and was able to maintain on-time delivery. Our intelligent remote service and online service systems, introduced in 2016, provide customers with remote technical support and assistance. The system helps reduce support wait- ing time and has improved customer service responsiveness and efficiency. Our technical support centre is acces- sible online, 24/7, for customers in China and abroad. PETplanet: How do you deliver after-sales and service on-site, at cus- tomers facilities? Tony Ho: New technologies, such as 5G, big data, industrial internet of things (IIoT), Cloud computing, AI and so on, are deeply integrated with the real economy and facilitate digitalisa- tion, networking and intelligent factories. We have already developed an intelligent service system for custom- ers, which provides remote technical support and assistance. During the pandemic, installation, commissioning and maintenance of several projects outside of China were carried out smoothly through that system. PETplanet: In many cases cus- tomers also need service support in person, on site, in their factories. Do you still face that sort of demand from your customers as well, is it just a small portion or is it not even really necessary anymore, because of your remote and online services? Tony Ho: Currently, the propor- tions of on-site and remote service support vary in different regions. In the future, with the upgrading of the service system and improvement of the technical level of the opera- tors, more and more on-site service support will be replaced with remote services. We are already finding that our intelligent remote service system is being relied upon by a growing number of customers. PETplanet: What do you, as an industry leader, think the situation could develop, now that there are vac- cines available? Tony Ho: It is believed that the pandemic will be further controlled as the availability of vaccines increases. The international business communi- cation environment will be safer and more stable, which will lay the founda- tion for global economic recovery. PETplanet: When do you think the world will be ‘back to normal’? Tony Ho: According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the global roll-out of vaccines are lead- ing to the pandemic being controlled more and more effectively. However, we cannot predict when it will come to an end. We still need to do a good job in pandemic prevention and control, maintaining production, operation and customer service. PETplanet: What major changes, on both the industry and customer sides, do you expect to see when the pandemic is over? Tony Ho: Digital transformation and AI are already happening. We expect the food and beverage industry to speed up its deployment of intel- ligent manufacturing technology and Juice ultra-clean blowing-filling-capping production line