Insider 04 / 2021

MARKET SURVEY 33 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 04/21 Sacmi Imola S.C. Via Selice Provinciale 17/A, 40026 Imola (BO), Italy +39 0542 607111 Mr Stefano Severi Sales Specialist Manager +39 335 6594236 [email protected] PVS002C PVS-3 PVS10L 1,200 preforms/h 72,000 preforms/h 72,000 preforms/h Shape, diameters, ovalisation, contamination, inclusions, crystalli- sation, unmelts, bubbles, black specks, gate length, colour shade variations, wrong colours, scratches, thermal degradation, mould marks, haze, opacity, moisture Shape, diameters, contamination, inclusions, crystallisation, unmelts, bubbles, black specks, gate length, colour shade variations, wrong colours, scratches, thermal degradation, mould marks, haze, opacity, moisture Shape, diameters, contamination, inclusions, crystallisation, unmelts, bubbles, black specks, gate length, colour shade variations, wrong colours, scratches, thermal degradation, mould marks, haze, opacity, moisture Contaminations, cavity number recognition, diameters, flashes, black specks Contaminations, cavity number recognition, flashes, black specks Contaminations, cavity number recognition, flashes, black specks Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, flashes, notches, contaminations, black specks Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, flashes, notches, contaminations, black specks Diameters, ovality, thickness, scratches, short shots, flashes, notches, contaminations, black specks Craters, holes, crystallisation, inclusions, injection point out of center, bubbles, unmelts, contaminations, grooves, cracks, black specks Craters, holes, crystallisation, inclusions, injection point out of center, bubbles, unmelts, contaminations, grooves, cracks, black specks Craters, holes, crystallisation, inclusions, injection point out of center, bubbles, unmelts, contaminations, grooves, cracks, black specks Colour deviations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Colour deviations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Colour deviations, intensity deviations, LAB measurement Cavity number recognition with AI algorithms, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number Cavity number recognition with AI algorithms, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number Cavity number recognition with AI algorithms, cavity related statistics, sorting by cavity number Weighing module: Polarised light inspection with AI algorithms for detection of unvisible defects, such as: - local deformations of the sidewall - signs of chipping - irregularities, material contraction - orange peel surface (part of performs having smaller thickness) - water marks - haze - thermal degradation - absence of stress - irregular material flow Polarised light inspection with AI algorithms for detection of unvis- ible defects, such as: - local deformations of the sidewall - signs of chipping - irregularities, material contraction - orange peel surface (part of performs having smaller thickness) - water marks - haze - thermal degradation - absence of stress - irregular material flow Polarised light inspection with AI algorithms for detection of unvisible defects, such as: - local deformations of the sidewall - signs of chipping - irregularities, material contraction - orange peel surface (part of performs having smaller thickness) - water marks - haze - thermal degradation - absence of stress - Irregular material flow Fully automated and patented format changeover: thanks to DRIVA (Drive and Recognize through Intelligent Vision Algorithms) the machine changes format (different finish, diameters, length and colour) in about 1min. If the supply includes also Sacmi PLO030 feeder, the auto- matic changeover also involves the feeder and the total changeover time is still about 1min. No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, n.1 camera with 360° rotation of the preform No, patented cavity recognition with top camera Yes, 4 side cameras. CVs software includes CVS360-3D for a perfect reconstruction of the sidewall .;;;...... ; AI algorithms for the highest reading performance Non destructive Non destructive Non destructive SQL database, possibility to extract data in XLS format, possibility of connection to ERP system, HTTP and OPC/UA communication protocol available SQL database, possibility to extract data in XLS format, possibility of connection to ERP system, HTTP and OPC/UA communication protocol available SQL database, possibility to extract data in XLS format, possibility of connection to ERP system, HTTP and OPC/UA communication protocol available