Insider 04 / 2021

Trade Show review PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 04/21 46 Pandemic-compliant hybrid event concept for market launch Introducing the new Netstal PET line with sideways removal system Netstal has introduced the new PET line with a new hybrid in-house trade fair concept. Ongoing demand from customers means that the planned three-month event has grown to nine months. We spoke to Michael Birchler, Chief of Marketing for the Netstal brand. PETplanet: Mr Birchler, you made a virtue of necessity and developed the introduction of the new Netstal PET line in September 2020 as a hybrid event concept. You have established a showroom in Näfels that could also have been set up at an industry trade fair. Its centrepiece is your new PET line. Birchler: The pandemic has of course affected the trade fair scene and this includes our in-house trade fair. We had planned a large customer event for September to introduce the new Netstal PET line but when we could see that the virus was going to scupper our plans, we decided to run a limited hybrid event, initially until the end of 2020. Because of its great popularity, we have extended the event to May 2021. PETplanet: Hybrid means that both visiting the site in person and viewing it live online are possible? Birchler: Precisely. In late summer, PETplanet also had the opportunity to travel and get an impression in person of the system and the concept. On average, we have 1 to 2 customer visits live onsite or live online each day. How did you like the concept? PETplanet: I have to say, I found the new approach very promising (see article edition 10/2020 page 22). Compared to a normal trade fair where the next appointment is already waiting, you have the oppor- tunity to inspect the machine quite intensively, almost “to get right inside it”. What feedback did you get from customers? Birchler: As indicated above, we have extended the initiative again and again because of the high level of interest. We had posi- tive feedback from our visitors for having this presentation concept during the coronavirus pandemic. But of course, the technology is always the main focus. High on the list of topics for discussion were the unit costs that are at their lowest because of the shortest cycle time and the reduced energy consump- tion. We can calculate these indi- vidually for each customer for the preform to be produced. Another topic mentioned frequently was the advantage given by the PETX screw, with its wide processing window for recyclate. This can be ordered for retrofitting in existing systems. The new PET-Line Michael Birchler, Chief of Marketing for the Netstal brand