Insider 04 / 2021

47 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 PETplanet: Surely the topic of compatibility with other sideways removal moulds was also discussed? Birchler: Processers would natu- rally like to use their existing moulds for sideways removal on the new PET line, but the focus was actually more on the unit costs. In tough competi- tion, the costs are crucial and produc- ers must be convinced that they are making a good choice with Netstal in this regard. We also discussed many related topics like general handling, safe operation, ease and expense of maintenance and servicing options. PETplanet: How did cooperation with your system partners work? Birchler: There, too, we received a positive response. We set up the entire system with the mould from MHT and the periphery from Piovan and integrated the activation of these components into our aXos controls. We also inte- grated an inline inspection system from IMD Vista into the removal unit. PETplanet: So, you have created a nine-month event out of an event scheduled to last three months. Will the exhibi- tion become a permanent fixture? Birchler: No. However brilliant the whole initiative has been, it cannot replace a face-to-face meeting. In many individual appoint- ments, we have been able to offer comprehensive advice to interested par- ties. Because of the longer timespan, this has even been somewhat better than at a trade fair. However, we have missed the spontane- ous networking with those visitors and interested par- ties that drop in unplanned for a coffee and a chat. This group is also very important to us and is hard to reach without trade fairs. PETplanet: Does this mean you won’t repeat the concept after the pandemic? INDUSTRY- LEADING SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE APPLICATIONS Mold-Masters’ industry-leading Co-injection Multi-Layer BarrierTechnology offers proven processing capabilities for your sustainable applications. This includes the use of high content post-consumer recycled materials (up to 50% of total part weight) and a wide range of Bio-Resins. For more information, contact [email protected] Preserving Freshness • Maintaining Flavour • Extending Shelf Life Birchler: We use many differ- ent touchpoints and all are justified. The current situation has shown us how important trade fairs and per- sonal contact are. However, in a comparable situation, we would do just the same, so the concept is not dying out entirely. Even when we can travel again normally, we will use the resources we have created for “digi- tal visits” in certain situations in the future. Furthermore, we are planning a reconstruction of our technology and customer centre - and many sugges- tions and experiences from recent months are contributing to that. PETplanet: Many thanks, Mr Birchler!