Insider 04 / 2021

PET news 6 NEWS PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 04/21 Over half of the total EU plastics recycling capacity certified with EuCertPlast With the release of the record number of 4.6 million tons, the EuCertPlast certification was granted to more than half of the total EU recycling capacity covering both pre- and post-consumer streams. The scheme grew by 27% in comparison to 2019, and with 45 new recy- cling facilities, there are now 214 companies certified by EuCertPlast, demonstrating its wide recognition in the plastics industry. The leader, with a share of 30% of the EuCertPlast certified facili- ties, is Germany. Italy with the 12% share is in the second place, fol- lowed closely by the Netherlands and France, having respectively 11% and 10% share of the certified capacity. Additionally, LDPE and PET are the most widely certified polymers representing almost half of the total capacity. Despite the pandemic, which affected the ability of the auditors to travel to recyclers’ facilities, EuCertPlast certified companies grew substantially in the course of 2020. The positive trend of a steady increase of certifications shows the increasing demand for third-party verification of the origin of waste and recycled content calculation, and consequently the growth and the maturing of the plastic recycling market in Europe. By promoting transparency and the highest standards, the EuCertPlast certification contributes, as well, to the Circular Plastics Alliance’s objective to increase the uptake of recycled materials to 10 million tonnes by 2025. Ground-breaking inauguration of recycling plant in Indonesia Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (Amatil Indonesia) and Dynapack Asia announced the construction of a 20,000m 2 PET recycling facility located in Bekasi, West Java. The newest investment valued at AUD50.51 million (IDR556.2 billion) will enable the collaboration of Amatil Indonesia and Dynapack Asia to create a closed loop plastic packaging supply chain by pro- ducing food and beverage safe plastic pellets made from post-consumer plastic bottles. During the ground- breaking ceremony, Amatil Indonesia and Dynapack Asia introduced PT Amandina Bumi Nusantara and Mahija Parahita Nusantara with the following roles:  PT Amandina Bumi Nusantara – the entity which will run that state-of-the-art rPET facility, leading the transformation process of low-quality PET waste back to virgin-quality, food-grade PET using the latest renewable technology;  Mahija Parahita Nusantara – the non-profit founda- tion which will support collection centres’ manage- ment, ensuring the observance of human rights and regulation in the waste collection supply chain, execute activities to improve the welfare of waste pickers and communities, as well as conducting research and development on recyclability improve- ment and other opportunities related to PET utilisa- tion and plastic collection. The facility will start its operation in 2022 and has the capacity to reduce the amount of new plastic resin companies use by an estimated 25,000t/a. Amatil Indonesia continues to strengthen its com- mitment to reduce plastic usage, among others with light-weighting PET bottles that has successfully reduced 28.5% plastic content since 2014, as well as transitioning from coloured to clear bottles which are easier to recycle. Together with Dynapack Asia, Amatil Indonesia continues its support on many grassroots initiatives to help collect and recycle beverage con- tainers including daily beach clean-up program, Bali Beach Clean-Up, which has successfully collected more than 40,000 t of waste for more than 13 years and other similar programs. Alpek & ContourGlobal create JV to develop a CO 2 recovery facility Alpek, S.A.B. de C.V. announced that it has formed a new joint venture company with ContourGlobal plc to develop a CO 2 capture and liquefaction facility. The site would be integrated into ContourGlobal’s cogeneration facility in Altamira, Mexico. Each party holds a 50% stake in the JV. The JV was created to meet the rising need of food-grade CO 2 for Mexico´s food and beverage industry, which is currently undersup- plied by around 80,000 t/a, and used in the carbonation of soft drinks, beer, and mineral water, among others. This venture is well aligned with the three pillars of Alpek’s Long- Term Strategic Growth Plan:  Foster a Circular Economy / Sustainable Product Portfolio: Alpek intends to continue growing its share of products that promote a lower carbon footprint and are well aligned with a fully circular economy. The proposed CO 2 recovery facility would be a carbon negative asset, helping Alpek reduce its carbon footprint, as the company works towards full carbon neutrality.  Strategic & Focused Growth / Product Innovation: When Alpek began negotiating the sale of CGA to ContourGlobal in 2019, both companies were already contemplating the construction of a CO 2 recovery facility. In this sense, this venture represents the fruit of a proactive mindset of both teams. The Innovation team will continue to actively look for new products that can help Alpek grow by draw- ing on its core strengths.  Strengthen the Core Business / Value Added Products: This venture diversifies Alpek’s portfolio with a new product that can be commer- cialised through its existing PET customer base, moving us further into new, attractive and growing markets.