Insider 05 / 2021
TOP TALK PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 05/21 11 Paolo Nava: There will be more than 300 billion extra pieces on the shelves of large supermarket chains by 2024. This is what emerges from the predictive analysis carried out by Mecs-Centro Studi Ucima on the growth prospects of packaging machinery. The market survey highlights that the most dynamic sectors will be those related to the production of soft drinks, dairy and confectionery and, as regards the packaging, those related to recyclable plastics. The research is a confirmation of the fact that the great worldwide debate concerning sustainability of packaging solutions has become a key factor in the growth strategies of food and beverage manufacturers. Environmental sustainability and innovation go hand in hand. Environ- mental protection is a primary objec- tive, that can be achieved only through the joint action of companies and consumers. Companies are increas- ingly introducing technical innovations in order to produce in an environmen- tally friendly manner, while consumers are adopting lifestyles and behaviours capable of preserving the environment and enabling the collection and recy- cling of empty packaging. SMI has been at the forefront in the design of innovative and flexible packaging systems to handle pack- aging processes efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner. For instance, shrink tunnels of shrink wrappers have been re-designed in a “green” key by implementing several technical innovations that allow to save on electricity and improve the quality of the packs produced. SMI stretch- blow moulders, indeed, are designed to ensure high energy efficiency and the machines of the latest generation make use of cutting-edge technology, such as the Air Master double stage air recovery system; this latter technology enables to reduce HP compressed air consumption up to 40% compared to those systems that are not equipped with it. PETplanet: What future challenges do you see especially in the PET industry? Paolo Nava: Future is always full of challenges, especially for extremely competitive market segments like that of food & beverage. Companies, influenced by the trend of increasing product diversification, need flexible and efficient bottling and packaging plants in order to reach high levels of optimisation and competitiveness of their production lines. Furthermore, in an economic envi- ronment that is increasingly oriented towards eco-friendly solutions in the use of plastic packaging, a growing number of companies have chosen to use 100% rPET preforms, that allow to produce bottles with a high mechanical and aesthetic quality in a context with low environmental impact. Recent studies clearly show the advantages related to the use of PET plastic bottles, since those contain- ers are unbreakable, safe, with great barrier properties, light and above all recyclable. When compared to other packaging materials, like glass or aluminium, traditional PET and, above all, its 100% recycled version (rPET), has a good environmental profile; in fact, thanks to its lightweight, in those bottles there’s less material to be pro- duced, less material to be disposed of, less energy used to manufacture it and less fuel used for the transport of packed products. Thus, thanks to its recyclability and to its great weight/ capacity ratio, many producers choose this packaging material as the ideal solution in terms of environmental sustainability. Bottling and packag- ing solutions offered by SMI include a wide range of stretch-blow moulders from the EBS Ergon range that allow to produce rPET or PET containers; EBS machines can be supplied both as single unit or as part of integrated blowing-filling-capping mono-blocs of the Ecobloc Ergon range, comple- mented by different types of second- ary and tertiary packaging machines capable of meeting just about any requirement in terms of pack format and production output. PETplanet: Where do you see SMI in the next 10 years? Paolo Nava: Further to the global pandemic and the associated travel restrictions, investments in machin- ery and equipment are temporarily in stand-by, waiting for a better economi- cal scenario. However, there is a high level of interest in new technologies for efficient, hygienic and flexible bever- age bottling and packaging plants like those supplied by SMI: hi-tech solutions inspired to Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) concepts, which deliver more efficient, flexible, environment-friendly, ergonomic, easy to use and control systems. Although sustainability remains a top priority for packaging suppliers, experts also high- light the variables affecting the future of beverage packaging materials. The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the value of plastics in general and plastic packaging in particular as the change in consumer behaviour toward more home-based activities and dif- ferent beverages like teas, juices, soft drinks and water have all gained market share. Many of these products are packaged in PET. When it comes to the plastic con- tainers markets, experts highlight how the industry is taking major steps to support the demand for sustainable solutions. Hundreds of millions of dol- lars are being invested in recycling and sustainability. Given the importance of packaging to the consumer experi- ence, there is tremendous focus on choosing the right materials that will fulfil the sustainability needs while meeting the practical and economic demands of commerce. PET packag- ing has delivered sustainability, value and consumer appeal for over 40 years and continues to be the material of choice for many brands and retail- ers. Its lightweight, clarity, break-and- tamper resistance and recyclability are all features that improve the consumer experience and help achieve a sustain- able cycle. The future of plastic bottles in the beverage industry will move towards rPET and, therefore, most of operators are going to bet on this material. At the base of present and future develop- ments stands the overall concept of the circular economy. The use of rPET for the production of new bottles is the core of this concept, since it allows to collect used material and process it so that it can be reused or recycled multi- ple times, avoiding waste and reducing the environmental impact, provided that efficient recycling and waste sys- tems exist. Investing in a new bottling line for 100% recycled plastic contain- ers (rPET) is the new frontier of sus- tainable growth and SMI investments in R&D will continue focusing on inno- vation, sustainability and flexibility to all new standards in the plastics industry like tethered cap solutions that comply with the EU directive, forbidding the use of single-use plastics. PETplanet: Thank you very much!