Insider 05 / 2021

MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 05/21 33 MATERIALS / RECYCLING 33 Article 5 – Market restriction (bans) Article 5 covers those single-use plastic products for which more sustainable and read- ily available alternatives have been identified. Products not using such alternatives will be banned as of July 2021. Article 6 – Product design requirements The tethering of caps is part of article 6 and stipulates that caps and lids remain attached to beverage containers and bottles up to 3 litres. The auditorium was particularly inter- ested in the publication of a formal standard. In response, Dr Pant stated that work on stand- ardisation is ongoing and acknowledged that this is now “work in progress”. The two organi- sations responsible for the design standardi- sation are CEN, the European Committee for Standardisation and CETIE, the international association publishing technical reference documentation on bottling and related sub- jects. However, Dr Pant pointed out that it is not that the standard itself which is mandatory but the provisions and the Directive. Manufac- turers are obliged to observe the terms of the Directive and show compliance to enable them to introduce their product on the market. Com- pliance with the standard will give presumption of compliance with the Directive. The same article also covers the binding target for Member States to ensure compliance with the recycled content of single-use plastic beverage bottles placed on the market:  at least 25% of recycled plastic for single- use PET beverage bottles from 2025  at least 30% of recycled content for all sin- gle-use plastic beverage bottles from 2030 (covering all bottles, not only PET bottles) Article 7 – Marking requirements This article is related to the marking of products. Products have to be labelled to inform consumers that this product contains plastic and should be disposed of safely. The label should warn the consumer of the nega- tive environmental impact if the product is disposed of inappropriately. Article 8 - Extended producer responsibility (EPR) The extended producer responsibility is enshrined in Article 8. For food and beverage containers, bot- tles, cups, packets and wrappers, lightweight carrier bags and tobacco products with filters, producers will help cover the costs of waste prevention (awareness raising); waste man- agement (collection and treatment costs of on-the-go waste in public areas); litter clean-up and data gather- ing. Article 9 – Separate collec- tion The target for the separate collec- tion for recycling of plastic beverage bottles is defined as 77% by 2025 and 90% by 2029. Member States can decide themselves whether to address these targets through EPR or through deposit refund schemes. The idea behind this is to support high quality recyclates and the uptake of second- ary raw materials, and indirectly also support the enlarged and heightened plastic packaging recycling target of 55% by 2030 in accordance with the Packaging Waste Directive. Article 10 – Awareness raising measures The aim of this article is to achieve a reduction in littering of single use plastic products and fishing gear by Product design Product development Product validation Industrial production plant Process & quality control On-site and start-up assistance After-sales and Customer service SACMI 4.0 THE COMPLETE CLOSURE, PREFORM AND CONTAINER SOLUTION FOR YOUR SMART FACTORY ENDLESS INNOVATION SINCE 1919