Insider 07+08 / 2021

BOTTLE MAKING 30 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 07+08/21 Food grade sample bottles produced by a global consortium using enzymatic recycling process On the road to industrial scale A global consortium that includes French biochemical com- pany Carbios, Nestlé Waters, L’Oréal Biotherm, PepsiCo and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe, has unveiled proto- types for food grade recycled PET bottles, produced as part of the project to support the industrialisation of a technology that allows plastic to be endlessly recycled while maintaining properties virtually equivalent to virgin plastics. BOTTLE MAKING COMPLETE TECHNICAL SOLUTION CHINAPLAS2021 meet us in hall6 C41 FROM PCR PET BOTTLES TO 100% FOOD GRADE RPET PELLETS - FDA Approval - Low TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) - Energy Saving - Low Loss CONTACT US TO LEARN MORE ! WWW.BO-RE-TECH.COM | +86-573-85120186 | [email protected] Bottle-to-Bottle “ ” Nestlé’s Research and Devel- opment Centre for Waters in Vittel, France, has produced the first Perrier 50 cl prototype bottles made from coloured recycled PET materials. The prototypes, which were thoroughly tested in terms of safety, quality, and performance, were adapted to withstand the pressure of carbon- ated water while incorporating the iconic design and green colour of the Perrier bottle. Nestlé’s R&D exper- tise and infrastructure was leveraged to create bottle preforms using the technology for other Carbios consor- tium members, who have produced demonstration sample bottles for products including L’Oréal Biotherm skincare range; PepsiCo Pepsi Max, and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe Orangina. Jean-Claude Lumaret, CEO Carbios Global consumer brands unveil world’s first enzymatically recycled bottles