Insider 09 / 2021
EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 09/21 17 PETplanet: And what does that mean for you as a trade fair company and promotor of Drinktec? Markus Kosak: As mentioned earlier by Petra the need for physical trade fairs is immense due to the reasons she has already explained. I am confident that the new given frame- work brings both the need and ability to perfectly combine the opportunities of both worlds: the physical and digital. Therefore, we have put in place our digital Drinktec Talks starting in December this year where our global road show will be fully digital. Both formats will enable us to reach a broader audience and hope- fully will result in more traffic onsite. PETplanet: Have there been, or will there be any fundamental changes or innovations to the trade fair business as a result of the pandemic? How does the industry need to adjust? Petra Westphal: The big change is that all custom- ers will have to think more and more about the purpose of their physical or digital events. How do they decide on which format? What are the different targets for each format? And how can the digital presence enhance the results of the physical event? Of course, this is applicable for us as well. We need to have a good understanding how our future digital events need to be designed to pro- vide the perfect level of sus- pense for the physical event as well as bridging the gap between events. And last but not least, communication, particularly between exhibi- tors and trade fair organisers, is as important as ever. It is only by knowing the needs, problems and concerns of our customers that we can provide or develop solutions that will address them. Work- ing together is our path to success. EDITOUR 17 Product design Product development Product validation Industrial production plant Process & quality control On-site and start-up assistance After-sales and Customer service SACMI 4.0 THE COMPLETE CLOSURE, PREFORM AND CONTAINER SOLUTION FOR YOUR SMART FACTORY ENDLESS INNOVATION SINCE 1919 PETplanet: What alter- native channels emerged during the pandemic and which of them can be con- sidered sustainable? Markus Kosak: With Drinktec Talk, Drinktec is offering a series of webinars for the first time. On a total of four dates, innovations and solutions for the bever- age and liquid food industry will be presented in compact online live events that match the main themes of the trade fair. This provides the community with the opportu- nity to to get into exchange with each other nine months before Drinktec. PETplanet: Will such ideas become a fundamen- tal part of the new Drinktec? Markus Kosak: If they prove to be successful, then yes, definitely. PETplanet: You are both in regular contact with your global customers. What key needs have been expressed to you most in recent months? Petra Westphal: On the one hand, planning reliabil- ity. On the other hand, the capability to travel. Here, we were able to offer some respite with the postpone- ment of Drinktec to Septem- ber next year. In addition, we are also organising 2 events for next year, China- Brew China Beverage and Drinktechnology India. One way or another Drinktec’s global customers will get the opportunity to come together. PETplanet: Drinktec was affected by Covid in a way which resulted in the event being postponed to the second half of the trade fair year 2022. What opportunities does this offer for the event itself and for exhibitors and visitors? Petra Westphal: First and foremost, the previ- ously mentioned improved planning certainty. I am confident that the number