Insider 09 / 2021

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 09/21 18 of vaccinated and recovered people will increase significantly in the upcom- ing months globally. This should have a positive affect on the probability of being able to travel. Ultimately, we are all responsible with our behaviour and attitude in helping the new normal become reality. PETplanet: That’s true: Can you draw any positive conclusions on how things stand at present? Markus Kosak: We have once again shown how flexible and resil- ient we are as a trade fair company. We have honed our creative skills and advanced digitisation at lightning speed. Hybrid work offers great opportunities and video calls enable us to become even closer with our customers, as well as colleagues at our subsidiaries as we can “see” each other more often. None- theless, if you really want to be inspired, build strong relationships and make business, a physical meeting is a must. PETplanet: How is Messe München, and the Drinktec team more specifically, positioned and equipped for dealing with upcoming events taking into account all the changes that have taken place as a result of the pan- demic? Petra Westphal: We have adapted to the new situation extremely well. With some new operational frameworks in place, we are ideally equipped for the hybrid world. PETplanet: Can you give us an indication of what might be in store for us in terms of innovations at Drinktec? Markus Kosak: In addition to the webinars I mentioned earlier, there will be an inspiration hub@ Drinktec and at China Brew China Beverage. We will give more details during the fourth quarter. PETplanet: As a long-standing partner of Messe München, we will again be heavily involved in supporting Drinktec events, including your foreign trade shows as soon as travel without restrictions is possible again. Despite all the difficulties of the first pandemic year in 2020, we managed to organ- ise a very interesting, partially digital Editour with you in the Australasian markets. Now we are bridging the gap from the other end of the world to the technology hub of Europe. From now until Drinktec 2022, we will travel to various countries under the banner “Let your inspiration flow – the European tour”, interviewing market leaders in the drinks and mechanical engineering industries to discussing technologies, market developments and innovations. Important topics such as sustainability, digitisation and global changes brought about by the pandemic will also be raised. The interviews and articles will appear in PETplanet Insider in the next few months. What do you both want to come out of this initiative, and why is it crucial for you to be on board as the Drinktec team? Petra Westphal: The tour will enable us to get much closer to our customers, thereby learning more about their specific needs, as well as hear- ing about current and real time market information and industry trends. PETplanet: How will you use Edi- tour as a source of information, or as a tool, and how will you present it at the trade show? Markus Kosak: The collected infor- mation of the tour is extremely valuable for us, as it helps us to understand the individual needs of our clients even better. Together with hbmedia we will summarise the output into a joint market report. This will be shared with the Drinktec community through our Drink- tec blog and social media channels. PETplanet: Finally, what message do you have for our readers, many of whom will also be your Drinktec exhibi- tors and visitors? Petra Westphal: Let us go forward confidently together and ensure that an entire industry can continue to benefit from a unique interaction and source of inspiration that only a physical trade fair can offer in all its varied forms. Markus Kosak: And let us also highlight the added value that digital platforms offer in terms of knowledge transfer alongside these physical events. With this symbiosis, we are sure to be a perfect partner for our industry in this new world. PETplanet: Thank you!