Insider 11 / 2021

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 13 rPET100 Designed for recycling. Made from recycling. • Heat resistant • Fully recyclable • Thermoformable like PET BENEFITS HOT CUPS · DAIRY PRODUCTS · INSTANT SOUPS · TO-GO MEALS · COFFEE LIDS foodgrade without compromise Kick off European Road Show 2021Part 3 In the run-up to our European Road Show, we asked Mr Sukhbir Singh, Director ADS Acme Drinktec Solutions LLP, about topics that are currently relevant: PETplanet: PETplanet’s latest Roadshow takes a critical look at the European market, which is picking up steam this year after pandemicrelated slumps. How has the pandemic affected your business and what are your expectations for the coming months? Singh: The global Covid-19 pandemic stimulated demand for hand sanitiser, especially in handy, easyto-carry sizes – such as 30 and 50ml. These small bottles are produced in PET exclusively by the single-stage ISBM process. ADS swiftly got special approval to supply this market, as a necessity product. ADS and its employees have been pleased to carry the risk and rise to the challenge to support the nation during this critical period and has continued to operate with minimal restrictions at the factory. PETplanet: The European PET bottle market is on the move - not least due to the potential impact of various EU directives. Which of these are particularly relevant for your company and how are you placed to meet them? Singh: As we have seen several times, whenever a change in direction occurs, market requirements expand and more business can be expected, particularly in the light of restrictions on trade between nations and continents. PETplanet: What future challenges do you see for the PET industry? Singh: The increased competitive design & quality requirements of PET rigid packaging users, such as the FMCG, pharma and beverage segments, will not be easy to accomplish with sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions, in the context of worldwide concerns about global warming.