imprint EDITORIAL PUBLISHER Alexander Büchler, Managing Director HEAD OFFICE heidelberg business media GmbH Vangerowstraße 33 69115 Heidelberg, Germany phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 [email protected] EDITORIAL Kay Barton Heike Fischer Gabriele Kosmehl Michael Maruschke Ruari McCallion Anthony Withers WikiPETia. info [email protected] MEDIA CONSULTANTS Martina Hirschmann [email protected] Johann Lange-Brock [email protected] phone: +49 6221-65108-0 fax: +49 6221-65108-28 LAYOUT AND PREPRESS EXPRIM Werbeagentur | Matthias Gaumann READER SERVICES Till Kretner [email protected] PRINT Chroma Druck Eine Unternehmung der Limberg-Druck GmbH Danziger Platz 6 67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany WWW | PETplanet Insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published 10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ subscription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Note: The fact that product names may not be identified as trademarks is not an indication that such names are not registered trademarks. 3 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 Dear readers, The most important news for our industry in the last few weeks has nothing to do with recycling, not even directly with CO2 savings, nor even with delivery bottlenecks. It is the message that the first production line in Europe has switched to tethered caps. Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) officially announced that in their first plant, small one-way containers of CSD products will be screwed on with tethered caps, which will be mandatory by 2024. CCEP has chosen a closure that can be opened up to 160 degrees (please see also page 8). Steffen Türk, Director Public Affairs & Communication GER of CCEP reported to PETplanet Insider that every plant will be converted by 2024. To ensure business runs as smoothly as possible, the work will be undertaken gradually during the non-peak months. The process will begin with production in Dorsten, Germany. The changeover to the new closure – Türk went on – provided CCEP with the opportunity to optimise the weight of the neck area. A narrower neck saves about 1.02 g of PET and, depending on the closure, between 0.15 and 0.35 g of material on the cap. All that remains to be said is that our Editourmobil has been on the road for the past month and will certainly be on a supermarket parking lot in Dorsten for the next few days. Yours sincerely, Alexander Büchler