Insider 11 / 2021

LABELLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 33 What are your observations on the impact of the pandemic on the labelling industry? Artem Krukov: “During the pandemic, many people reduced their daily spending due to economic reasons. This has resulted in stagnating sales for certain premium products in the beverage sector, and manufacturers have been forced to reduce packaging costs. For instance, the secondtier beverage producers have shown significant interest in converting from shrink sleeves to BOPP labels to save cost. That is the reason why low-cost beverages have been popping up recently in the market. Lastly, would you share with us what Sidel has achieved and the next step in labelling? Artem Krukov: Since 1976, Sidel has continuously ensured and promoted the image of various brands. That is 45 years of experience. At its dedicated labelling plant in Mantua, Italy, the company is not only manufacturing labelling equipment, but also providing outstanding services to support its customers worldwide. Additionally, we are proud of the milestone we achieved in 2021 – installing the 5,000th labeller for Ting Hsin International Group (Ting Hsin) in China. We aim to play as an end-to-end partner in sustainable labelling, starting from offering packaging design to providing the proper equipment for advanced product manufacturing, including hightech solutions for product shelf-life security. Thank you very much!