Insider 11 / 2021

37 EVENT REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 Mr Harald Nilson, Managing Director at Tria GmbH 1) We were excited to meet customers, suppliers and other participants of our market. Even i f we had less visitors this time, it was positive having time to go deep in certain technical issues with our visitors. 2) Many participants in our industry are heading for environmental issues and to become green companies. The potential to support them on the way is huge. 3) During Covid-19 everybody has seen the importance of hygienic packaging and where you need plastic for. Mr Michael Perl, Group Director Sales Division Sorting Recycling at Sesotec GmbH 1) For us, the trade fair went well. In terms of the quality of conversations at our trade fair stand and the overall atmosphere at Fakuma, we found that everything had almost returned to pre-coronavirus levels. In other ways too, we basically had the feeling as a recycling equipment manufacturer that events in our sector are slowly recovering again. The only bit of bad news is the continuing lack of internationalism, which can of course be blamed on the travel restrictions that many visitors and customers are facing. Now, after Fakuma, November wi l l be really exciting for us. Next, we will be at PRSE in Amsterdam, where we will also have a trade fair stand. We see the event there as a further indicator of future events and we think that it could be just like before coronavirus, if not even better. Immediately after this, our teams will be in Chicago, USA from November 8-10, at the E-Scrap & E-Reuse conference, and from November 10-12 at Expo Plasticos in Guadalajara, Mexico. These will give us an indication of how things are now and how they are going on the American continents. 2) One development we see based on the travel restrictions in recent months is that there is a need for remote startups and maintenance in coordination with our experts and local engineers worldwide, especially in Asia. For this reason, we are offering more service packages to handle this development and we have therefore increased our manpower for online support 3) I wouldn’t say that any markets have especially stood out or are standing out through the coronavirus situation. Rather that demand at Sesotec is good overall. The momentum we see for our sorting recycling divisions for plastics recycling, especially for PET, PE and PP, as well as for glass and e-scrap recycling looks very promising.