PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 11/21 43 EVENT REVIEW (Deposit Return Schemes) expected in the next few years, which are based on EU regulations, will not significantly increase the overall supply. What is the consequence of this imbalance between supply and demand? Prices have risen to new highs. For cost-sensitive brands, rPET prices are a major challenge. In Europe, food-grad rPET granulate was over € 1,600/t in August 2021, compared to ~€ 1,100/t for foodgrade virgin PET granulate. The outlook for rPET indicates a continued imbalance in the market, with demand exceeding supply. Freight and shipping were again the topic of the following presentation by Bjorn Vang Jensen, VP Advisory Services - Global Supply Chain, Sea-Intelligence. In conversation with Simon Hardy, Commercial Strategy Manager, Supply Chain Icis, Bjorn Vang Jensen explained how the increase in freight costs initially started in the US during the lockdown in 2020. Changing consumption patterns combined with quarantine measures, worker absences or outdated logistics hubs led to delays links in the chain, from a shortage of trucks and ships, loading and unloading or lack of space in warehouses. It could take another three years for the situation to return to normal, Vang Jensen said. The current outlook on MEG market dynamics was highlighted by Judith Wang, Senior Analyst Icis who gave updates on supply, capacity and trends. In 2020, global MEG capacities reached 40 m t/a in 2020, with Asia and the Middle East accounting for the lion’s share. Additional 1.4 m t/a capacity is expected to come on stream in H2 2021 with new plants in China and Saudi Arabia. Prices have been on a rollercoaster, with a historic low at the beginning of the corona pandemic, a rise in the second half of 2020 and ups and downs in 2021. Sven Saura of Veolia, VP Solid Waste Recycling and Treatment, brought the perspective of a waste management company. He described the current situation in the PET recycling market: the industry has shifted to domestic markets - driven by the Chinese import ban on plastic waste in 2018 - with the development of local processing facilities and local jobs. Technologies with lower energy consumption are currently being developed to further enhance the benefits of recycling from an environmental perspective. He cited policy directives but also voluntary commitments by manufacturers on recycling targets and recycled content targets as the main drivers. However, he pointed out that there is still work THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE HOT RUNNER SYSTEM FOR PREFORM PRODUCTION NEW Mold-Masters NEW PET-Series hot runner system incorporates features that focus on enhancing part quality, increasing productivity and lowering part cost.This includes field replaceable components, new dust minimizing actuators and MasterSHIELD leak protection technology. PET-Series systems are compatible with many industry standard layouts, existing molds and fit into all major machine platforms including those with post mold technology. North America • South America • Europe • Asia • India 905-877-0185 • [email protected] iFLOW Technology MasterSHIELD Technology