MARKET SURVEY 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 12/21 SMI S.p.A. Via C.Ceresa, 10, 24015 San Giovanni Bianco (BG) - Italy +39 0345 40 111 Ms Daniela Dadda Marketing Department +39 0345 40.318 [email protected] Automatic machines for packing plastic, metal, cardboard or glass containers; packs in film only, cardboard pad + film, tray only, cardboard tray + film SMI designs and manufactures a wide range of fully automated machines for secondary packaging: shrinkwrappers machines ; trayformers; overlapping cardboard sleeve multipackers; wrap-around casepackers and combined machines. The models available provide performances from 30 to 450 packs/minute (in triple lane), depending on the model chosen and on the type of product to pack. SMI shrink wrappers and case packers can be integrated with a SMI palletizer to form a “Packbloc” compact end-of-line system. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Thanks to the precise analysis of thermodynamic phenomena generated by the shrink process, SMI tunnel distributes hot air flows in an efficient and homogeneous way on the pack, thus ensuring its excellent quality at the end of the process. Available tunnel methan heated Single lane: smallest AFW serie (10,060 x 1,774 x 2,450mm) till the bigger size SK 1200 HS (18,752.5 x 1,774 x 2,450mm) Double lane: smallest LSK 32 (9,820 x 1,974 x 2,450mm) till SK 1202 HS (18,752.5 x 1,974 x 2,450mm) 1-3 Film: 30-100μm depending on the production speed and pack collation; cardboard: low wave corrugated cardboard blanks: 3mm thickness Depending on the machine model Manual sealing bar joins the films, film reels the machine is equipped with a dedicated reel truck, pneumatic blocking system and when the film ends, the machine stops, adjustment of the film length is electronic, equipped with a device for centering the printed film provided with reference mark CE The machine automation and control are entrusted to the Sercos Fieldbus technology; intuitive user interface for quick and easy management of end-of-line palletising operations; real-time machine diagnosis and technical support further enhance the machine control features. 35-100 packs/min (according to the size of the product handled and palletisation selected) Yes Yes Yes Yes Swiftandprecisemovements:Thecentralcolumn isactuatedbybrushlessmotorswhichguaranteedynamic,reliableandprecisemovementsofallaxesofoperation;machineautomationand controlareentrusted to theSercosFieldbus technology, featuringan intuitiveuser interface forquickandeasymanagementofend-of-linepalletisingoperations. Genius PTF - Fastlayer Genius PTF/A - Fastlayer Genius PP/PV Robby Pal Robby Pal with Fastlayer Conventional automatic palletisers steady pallet type with innovative layer preparation Conventional automatic palletisers moving pallet type with innovative layer preparation Conventional automatic palletisers steady pallet type for empty PET containers Robotic automatic palletiser Robotic automatic palletiser with innovative layer preparation. 10min 12min 15min 15min 10min Up to 330 layers/hour Up to 700 layers/hour Up to 330 layers/hour Up to 320 layers/hour Up to 320 layers/hour Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -Operationalflexibilityand furtherreduction in change-over times -Optimisationofcycle to increaseperformance, with improvedcontrolof thedifferentmovements usingstate-of-the-artelectronicsolutions -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedoperator intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withcustomisablesolutions -Layerpreparationwithactivepackorientation andarrangementwithrobots -Operationalflexibilityand furtherreduction in change-over times -Optimisationofcycle to increaseperformance, with improvedcontrolof thedifferentmovements usingstate-of-the-artelectronicsolutions -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedoperator intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withcustomisablesolutions -Layerpreparationwithactivepackorientation andarrangementwithrobots -Operationalflexibilityand furtherreduction in change-over times -Optimisationofcycle to increaseperformance, with improvedcontrolof thedifferentmovements usingstate-of-the-artelectronicsolutions -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle vacuumheadavailable forwide mouthcontainers(i.e. jars). -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limitedoperator intervention,operating incompletesafety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withcustomisablesolutions -Completerange tohandledifferent typesof containersandproducts: layer,rowandmultiheadand looseproductpalletisingsystems -Flexibleandmodularsolutionwithreduced footprint -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct to handle -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limited operator intervention,operating incomplete safety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson themarket trouble-free,withcustomisable solutions -Completerange tohandledifferent typesof containersandproducts: layer,rowandmultiheadand looseproductpalletisingsystems -Flexibleandmodularsolutionwithreduced footprint -Customisationof thegrippingsystemand layer transferaccording to theproduct tohandle -Designed toacceptavariablenumberof product infeeds -Fullyautomaticsystemrequiring limited operator intervention,operating incomplete safety -Possibility tohandleallmainpalletson the market trouble-free,withcustomisablesolutions -Layerpreparationwithactivepackorientation andarrangementwithrobots