Insider 12 / 2021

30 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 22 No. 12/21 Fimic’s newest solution for the recycling process: SPA screw pump This year, Fimic, specialised in filtration with a range of five different models of automatic melt filters designed to covering filtration requirements specially for post-industrial and post-consumer plastics recycling, presented its technology developed by the specialists in automatic self-cleaning melt filters: a screw pump that allows to easily transport plastic melt from the extruder to the filter without using gears with a single screw. Regular gear pumps used in plastics recycling are very sensitive to contaminations and are getting damaged easily by contaminants especially in post-consumer applications. Because of this, constant maintenance is required and often, it is needed to install a safety filter to protect the gear pump itself, with an increase in investment, manpower, and maintenance costs. Additionally, gears must be periodically replaced by the operator, a further downtime leading to operation losses. Fimic’s SPA screw pump is said to allow considerable savings, because operational costs are reduced to a minimum. In fact, the company states that there is no need for maintenance, nor to install a safety filter for pump protection, nor expensive spare gears that the operator will no longer be forced to replace. While the SPA is claimed to be easy to use and not to require periodic replacements by the operators, it can be installed either before or after the filter, being perfect for applications requiring a double filtration step. Installed before the filter allows building up enough pressure to the filter without the risk of damaging gears or replacing them too often, protecting the twin-screw extruder used especially in compounding applications. And after the filter, stabilise the pressure of the material and to maximise the productivity of the filter and the extruder itself. SPA combines both Fimic’s engineering standards and high quality of manufacturing materials, to offer a reliable and high-performance product. SPA’s operation, designed in three sizes, targeting different output requirements, from SPA120, output up to 1,000 kg/h; SPA140, output from 1 t/h to 1.5 t/h; and SPA160, output from 1,500 kg/h to 2 t/h. A larger one is also being designed, to reach even higher throughput requirements, guaranteeing to all players in the recycling industry significant savings in operational costs. STEPS TO THE PERFECT BOTTLE. Idea & Design Technology Manufacturing Blow Mould 100% Service Y O U R PA R T N E R F O R B L OW MO U L D S .