EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 01+02/22 www.petpla.net 8 The European Road Show to Drinktec 2022 is underway Will it all be different? And if so, how exactly? The Editourmobil is back in Europe! In the most exciting project we have implemented since the annual Road Shows, the PETplanet Team is working in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic to highlight the current challenges, strategies and opportunities for the European PET sector. The global crisis has put the global economy, global requirements and consumer behaviour to the test. Conservative sectors, some operating constantly for decades, have been knocked around, forced to rethink on the fly and restructure themselves to suit the new situation. The way we communicate, invest and consume has undergone lasting change during the pandemic and the climate crisis. In many places, digitalisation has undergone massive expansion and remodelling; topics like health, sustainability, logistics and e-commerce have received an unprecedented boost and are once again the topics of our time. How can we achieve our future climate goals and structure production with greater added value? How can we ensure continuity and become more self-sufficient while maintaining competitiveness? What trends have arisen both because of and during the pandemic? And what adjustments must be made so we can offer our customers and partners security paired with good service? We want to discuss all these topics and much more on the European Road Show.