Insider 04 / 2022

MARKET SURVEY 22 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 04/22 04/2022 MARKETsurvey Suppliers of preforms & preform inspection systems In this issue PETplanet focus on new developments in performs and preform inspection system. We are very proud to present the brand-new data from the following perform manufacturers and preform inspection system manufacturers: Pressco Technology, Agr International, Intravis, IMD, Sacmi Imola, SGT, Hodmeter, Plastipak, Magpet Polymers, PDG Plastiques and Novapet. Although the publishers have made every eff ort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims are made regarding completeness or accuracy.  Resins & additives  Preform machinery  Preform production & inspection systems  Preform & SBM mould manufacturer  SBM 2-stage  Compressors  Caps & closures & inspection systems  Filling equipment & inspection systems  Recycling machinery  Palletising & shrink film machinery Preform inspection Company name Pressco Technology Inc Agr International Inc. Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail 29200 Aurora Road, Cleveland, OH, USA +1 440 498 2600 Mr Tom Murphy VP, Sales & Customer Service +1 440 498 2600 [email protected] 615 Whitestown Road Butler, PA 16001, USA +1 724 482 2163 Mr Martin Kuestner International Sales Director +1 66 2 73151 44 [email protected] Preform Inspection Systems Intellispec Pilot Vision+ in-the-blowmoulder inspection system Gawis 4D laboratory measurement system Inspection speed Up to 2,500/min 100,000+ parts per hour < 20 sec. per sample (dependent on complexity of actual measurement) Inspected parameters: Geometry / Body Unmelts, heat splay, burn marks, water spots, bent/warped preforms, contamination, carbon streaks, bubbles/blisters, colour, crystallinity & clarity/hazing, gate length Yes, contamination, opaque spots (black spots), unmelts, bubbles/blisters, burn marks, water spots, streaks Yes, diameter, length, gate length, out-of-round Thread area Contamination, fl ash, dimensions, pulled threads Yes, comprehensive fi nish measurement including horizontal measurement: vertical measurements, thread measurement, radius and angle Mouth / Sealing surface Contamination, ovality and diameter, dirt & debris in the preform, nicks, gouges, short shots & dips Yes, inspected after blowing - nicks, dents (V notches) and scratches in seal surface, surface irregularities, seal surface width (average), ovality, blown fi nish, choked neck, seal surface integrity, inner/outer diameter Gate / Dome Bent/warped preforms, dirt/debris, cracked gates Yes, contamination and position of injection point Yes, gate length and dome radius Colour Colour variations, incorrect colour Yes, colour and intensity deviations Cavity number Further criteria Additional inspection modules include: neck support ring, inner barrel Measurement of absence or presence of barrier material Yes Yes, barrier thickness and/or barrier presence Layer thickness & position measurement at distinctive points The Gawis 4D can perform thickness at any given pre-defi ned point Layer thickness & position measurement at the complete body by scanning The Gawis 4D scans horizontally and vertically at multiple location on a preform with graphic representation of results distribution over the scanned region Features: Installation: Stand-alone On customer-supplied starwheel Stand-alone, lab based, optional robotic systems available for walk-away testing Installation: Inline Mounting and installation inside major OEM blowmoulding machines; options available for stand-alone and inline systems In-line, in blowmoulder · Side camera for cavity recognition · Methode: destructive/non destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive Non-destructive · Data base connection Yes Yes, compatible with plant or system network Yes, compatible with plant or system network