Insider 06 / 2022

BOTTLE MAKING 31 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 06/22 Projects and solutions from prototyping to the fi nished bottle – Interview with Olivier Serre, Managing Director at Competek Setting the foundations by Gabriele Kosmehl In the middle of the pandemic, PET Engineering and Comep announced their merger, becoming Competek. For almost exactly a year now, Competek has been advising customers on mould, bottle and preform design or tethered caps and turning these designs into a reality. PET planet wanted to know whether their strategy of “one partner, lower costs, quick delivery times” has been a successful one. PETplanet: It has been a year since PET Engineering and Comep merged, addressing the food, beverage and homecare market under the company name Competek. How has the company performed since the merger? Olivier Serre: On June 1 Competek celebrated its first birthday - how time has flown! Launching a new company is by definition a big challenge, but when the creation of a new entity involves the merger of two big the industry like PET Engineering and Comep, well, the challenge is even bigger. It has been critical that the transition period has been handled correctly in order to avoid losing the strong relationships with existing customers, especially during the pandemic. Over the past 12 months the team has worked hard to communicate with them about our existing sustainable solutions, as well as informOlivier Serre, Managing Director at Competek Competek Hall A6 – Booth 340