EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 07+08/22 www.petpla.net 15 In general, more than 1.6 billion plastic bottles from various suppliers and 800 million beverage cans are put on the market in Austria every year. The amount of disposable plastic beverage bottles has doubled within 20 years, and there is still a need for optimisation in disposal and recycling. Reusable bottles, which are taken back, washed and refilled, are a resource-saving and climate-friendly alternative. “Now we are taking what we see as the logical next step and bringing a new, modern generation of reusable products to Austria’s supermarket shelves. As a pioneer in the industry, we have now launched a returnable PET bottle as an Austrian company. The 1 l PET reusable solution replaces our previous 9x1 l rPET two-way deposit bottle. Returnable PET is the ecologically sensible addition to our existing range, especially to returnable glass. This is because we rely on 100% rPET in the one-way sector and on glass and PET containers in the returnable sector,” stated Herbert Schlossnikl. Schlossnikl continues: “The first impulse came in 2003 with the introduction of the PET two-refund bottle. This resulted from the declining demand for the 1 l glass bottle, which was around 15% per year. When demand for the glass bottle recovered in 2014, we launched the first 100% rPET bottle in 2018. Since 2020, our entire PET product range consists only of recycled bottles. Furthermore, we are CO2-neutral as a company and with our products. This means that compared to 2005, 50% of CO2 emissions have been reduced through our own efforts and 50% have been offset through high-quality climate protection projects. By 2030, we want to reduce our CO2 emissions by a further 28% compared to 2019,” Schlossnikl closed. With best wishes for the future, despite all the current difficulties, we leave this impressive company with the new 1 l returnable PET bottle in our luggage and thank for the hospitality! www.voeslauer.com 0$'( ,1 ,1',$ 0$'( ,1 ,1',$ ZZZ VK\DPSODVWLF FRP VDOHV#VK\DPSODVWLF FRP F.l.t.r.: At the ceremony: Alfred Hudler, Director at Ottakringer Getränke AG, Herbert Schlossnikl, CEO Production and Technology at Vöslau, Leonore Gewessler, Minister for Climate and Environment Protection, Birgit Aichinger, CEO Marketing, Sales and Finance at Vöslauer, and Alexander Egit, Director of Greenpeace Austria Convenient & light: The 1 l returnable PET bottle weighs 55g and is thus 90% lighter than the returnable glass bottle.