EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 09/22 www.petpla.net 12 Increased PET bottle production with technology from Neutraubling Multinational drinks giant expanding its capacities by Kay Barton June 2022 Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) Deutschland GmbH We met: Mr Andreas Dederer, Operations Manager In Neureut, a district of Karlsruhe in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the south of Germany, the local site of Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Deutschland – CCEP for short – is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Produced here are the 1.25 l Coca-Cola PET single-use bottles and other drinks cans. It supplies CSDs not only to the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg itself but also to neighbouring states, with some of the soft drinks also going to other countries in Europe. Tour Sponsors: Besides Coca-Cola, the brand’s “Monster” range of energy drinks are exclusively produced here for all of Germany. At the same time as the anniversary celebrations, the manufacturer is also launching its newly created capacities for drinks production, materials supply and logistics. The beating heart of the almost US$16 million expansion is a technologically completely reworked PET line, which is making the anniversary site fit for the future. Operations Manager for the site, Mr Andreas Dederer, spoke to us about origins, technologies and plans. Then to now In March 1980, the then CocaCola concession Getränke Troullier GmbH & Co. KG began construction of the factory at a cost of 18 million German marks. After its completion in November 1981, it was inaugurated in May 1982. The new factory was located on the “Kleines Bruch” industrial estate, where we find ourselves today. But before its construction, Coca-Cola had been bottled in Karlsruhe-Neureut since 1969 in a factory in Unterfeldstrasse. Relocation took place then because there was no option to expand there. “However, the connection between Coca-Cola and Karlsruhe dated back even further,” explained interviewee Andreas Dederer. “Their common history began over 85 years ago, when the Karl Troullier concession sold its first bottles of Coca-Cola in Herderstrasse in Karlsruhe. In the first year, they achieved sales of 9,000 cases.” Mr Dederer has been employed in the drinks industry for 25 years. In Deizisau, to the south-east of Stuttgart, he began his career as a Shift Manager at the Urbacher Mineralquellen glass and multi-use container site, a branch of Coca-Cola Erfrischungsgetränke AG (CCEAG), as it was at the time. After nine years, he transferred to the Urbach site to work there as Production and Maintenance Manager. In 2006, he was promoted to Operations Manager, initially provisionally, and from 2007 to 2010, he was made permanent in that role. He returned to the Deizisau site in that role and ran it for the following Freshly filled Coca-Cola PET bottles Andreas Dederer in his office