Insider 09 / 2022

MARKET SURVEY 41 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 09/22 Intravis GmbH Rotter Bruch 26a, 52068 Aachen, Germany +49 241 9126 0 Marius Pötting Product Manager Caps and Closures +49 241 9126 0 +49-241-9126-100 [email protected] CapWatcher Q-Line CapWatcherSC (specialty closures) IntraOne! CapWatcher B-Line CapWatcher FC 60cps / 3,600cpm / 216,000 cph 80 cps / 4,800 cpm / 288,000 cph 50cps / 3,000cpm / 180,000cph 40 cps / 2,400 cpm / 144,000 cph 12 caps on fi lled bottles per second / 720 bpm / 43,200 bph 3 cameras for inner inspection (sealing elements, thread, tamper evident), 4 cameras for shell inspection, 1 camera for topwall inspection, contactless microhole inspection, temperature measurement, cavity reading Fully customised inspection systems that are tailored to the needs and wishes of our customers The perfect system for OEMintegration into capper-, fi ller-, assembly-, laser- or printingsystems Modular inspection system which can be confi gured with the basic modules of the closure inspection. 1 camera for inner inspection, 4 cameras for outer inspection, 1 camera for liner inspection/ cavity number reading Splash-proofed quality control of the fi lled end product. 5 cameras for outer inspection of the application angle and the tamper-evident band. 2 cameras for outer verifi cation of the fi ll level and the closure position. Tethered caps, standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures Tethered caps, carton fi tment, fl ip-top, sports cap, push-pull, 3-piece closures, screw top cap, spout & dosing, beauty & home-care, food & beverage, pharma, automotive, inserts, cutters, lids, dustcover Tethered caps, standard one-piece beverage closures, standard twopiece beverage closures, carton fi tment, fl ip-top, sports cap, push-pull, 3-piece closures, screw top cap Standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures, tethered caps (without tethered features) Standard one-piece beverage closures, standard two-piece beverage closures, metal closures (without measurement of application angle) Measurement of inner seal cone diameter (σ = 0.02mm), pulled thread inspection, tamper evident band inspection, black specks, contamination, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer seal cone, plug seal, constant distance between inner seal and outer seal, homogeneity between inner seal and outer seal Measurement of inner seal cone diameter, pulled thread inspection, tamper evident band inspection, black specks, contamination, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer seal cone, plug seal, constant distance between inner seal and outer seal, homogeneity between inner seal and outer seal, liner, laser engraving, QRcodes, promotion codes, cavity number reading. Measurement of inner seal cone diameter, inner closure diameter, ovality, thread inspection, tamper- evident band inspection, black specks, contamination, colour deviation, inner seal cone, outer seal cone, constant distance between inner and outer seal cone, short shots, fl ashes, liner, cavity number reading Measurement of outer closure diameter (σ = 0.02 mm) and height (σ = 0.02 mm), long gate inspection, slit quality for slitted closures, broken bridges, hinges, fl ashes between bridges, colour deviation, black specks Measurement of outer closure diameter & height, long gate inspection, slit quality for slitted closures, broken bridges, fl ashes between bridges, colour deviation, black specks, contamination, ovality, short shots, fl ashes, angel hairs. Measurement of outer closure diameter, measurement of outer closure height, colour deviation, black specks, contamination, absence and damage of the tamper- evident band, short shots, fl ashes Measurement of the application angle, tamper- evident band inspection, verifi cation of the fi ll level, inspection for: the presence of the closure, elevated closure, crooked/bent closure, domed closure (Bullnose) High precision measurement of the outer closure diameter: accuracy σ = 0.02mm, high precision measurement of the inner seal cone diameter: accuracy σ = 0.02mm, high precision measurement of the outer closure height: accuracy σ = 0.02mm Diameter and ovality, height, assembly faults, missing & damaged components, damaged seal cone, vertical long shots, open & closed short shots, horizontal/ radial long shots, tamper evident band, damaged fl aps, turned up fl aps, damaged pull tabs, missing or damaged quality seal. Diameter and ovality (e.g. closure, seal cone), closure height, damaged seal cone, missing or damaged tamper-evident band Missing closure, missing or damaged tamper-evident band, domed closure (Bullnose) Robust cavity reading with special illumination technology, cap-oriented imaging & machine-learning algorithms for cavity recognition. No time-consuming teaching or learning procedure necessary. This enables the creation of real-time heat maps of moulds. Problems in temperature control of individual cavities or entire heating & cooling circuits can be detected & eliminated Robust cavity reading with specially developed illumination technology, caporiented imaging and machine-learning algorithms for outstanding cavity recognition. No time-consuming teaching or learning procedure necessary. Unique, robust cavity reading with machine-learning algorithms for outstanding cavity recognition. No time-consuming teaching or learning procedure. This enables: - Wear or defects in the tool can be detected at an early stage - Every defect closure will be assigned to its real cavity in the mould New contactless microhole inspection, no need to dip into the closure -> must-have for tethered caps with inserts New contactless microhole inspection - no need to dip into the closure Missing components, closure height, diameter and ovality, fl ow lines, weight, Label, l*a*b values, barrier inspection, layer inspection, tactile measurement Pull-off test, TE-features Filler and capper tracking: Objects can be reliably traced back to the specifi c tool of the fi ller and capper. For example, defects of a tool can be detected at an early stage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Data base connection, reject rate monitoring, production monitoring, integrated control of up- and downstream equipment, integrated trend statistics with pre-warning. IntraVisualizer - data analytics to improve production quality visualises the data of all Intravis systems on site simultaneously. Most importantly, it helps to investigate defective product (Root-cause analysis) predicting and avoiding quality failures and material waste. In addition, it detects negative trends before faulty products are produced. It is possible to integrate data from different production machines with a robust OPC-UA interface according to Euromap standard. Data base connection, reject rate monitoring, production monitoring, HMI for the Intravis sorter, inspection system and packaging system integrated trend statistics with pre-warning, industry 4.0 ready Data base connection, reject rate monitoring, production monitoring, multistep rejector for fi lled bottles integrated trend statistics with prewarning, industry 4.0 ready