Insider 10 / 2022

EDITOUR PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 10/22 30 Business is booming for waste sorting systems Recycling in Spain by Kay Barton Around 160km to the northeast of Barcelona is the small Catalonian town of Roses. Here in 2004, Norwegian recycling equipment provider Tomra installed a local branch when it took over the former local distributor. This was in response to a recycling situation that was changing for the better. With the Packaging Waste Law enacted in 1998 that stipulated new EPR requirements for manufacturers, and with the foundation of the EPRO (extended producer responsibility organisation) Ecoembes, a non-profit environmental organisation, the topic of recycling and responsibility for it was now brought into more general focus. European funding for the construction of collection and sorting facilities in Spain and Portugal did the rest and helped bring about success. Since the start, almost 800 sorting systems have already been sold in Spain and Portugal, the company has a local market share of around 60% and 30 employees now work at the Spanish site. Judit Jansana, Commercial Director and Head of Tomra Sorting Spain, discusses the current recycling situation in the country and the role her company plays. Interview with Tomra Sorting S.L. 3 August 2022 We met: Mrs Judit Jansana, Managing Director Judit Jansana has been with Tomra for almost 15 years. From 2007, she was Head of Technical Office for seven years, before finally becoming Managing Director in the autumn of 2014. “Commodas, the company that Tomra bought in 2004, then owned a unique x-ray technology that could identify and separate Zorba waste, i.e. mixed metal waste with a significant proportion of aluminium,” she explains to us. “This helped us into new business opportunities in the field of metal sorting. After the creation of our office here in Roses, we were also able to turn our attentions to the South American market, thanks to the common language and the cultural similarities. Naturally, the waste import ban in China and changes to the Basel Convention also had a positive effect on our activities,” says Mrs Jansana. “Because of the new waste law in Spain, which was passed in April of this year and that stipulates a landfill Visit us at K 2022 Hall 11, stand I37 19-26 October, Dusseldorf, Germany Tomra’s Managing Director Judit Jansana at her desk