Insider 10 / 2022

TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 10/22 48 viscosity or variable input viscosities. In combination with Gneuss’ rotary filtration technology, a high melt purity is guaranteed. Quality assurance can be provided with an online viscometer VIS for measuring melt viscosity. As demand for PET bottle flakes outpaces supply and processors are looking for alternative feedstock (e.g. to fulfil recycled content mandates) the MRSjump offers a solution for PET thermoform, film or fibre recycling, while the newly developed MRS cutter compactor makes it possible to use low bulk density materials. In parallel, with company headquarters only about 200 km from the show, a complete PET sheet extrusion line with an Omnimax recycling machine - consisting of an MRSjump 70, Gneuss’ deep vacuum system and a fully-automatic filtration system RSFgenius 75 - and a sheet downstream with a 500mm wide extrusion will be running in Gneuss’ technical centre open to visitors. Omniboost recycling machine including polyreactor jump Additionally, an Omniboost recycling machine with a polyreactor jump will be operating in the company’s technical centre for an online demonstration. The jump can lift the IV value of a PET melt up to 0.95dl/g. In the jump the polymer passes over several slow turning elements which create a polymer film, the surface of which is constantly renewed. The reactor vessel is kept under vacuum, through which volatile substances are reliably removed. By regulating the residence time in the reactor, the vacuum, the fill level and the speed of rotation of the agitating devices, the polycondensation reaction can be altered to achieve the required product properties. The jump is a robust and reliable liquid state polycondensation system (LSP) and a compact, quick and efficient alternative to conventional solid-state systems (SSP). It enables direct reintroduction of the polymer into the production process without the need to remelt the PET. Omniboost recycling machine with Jump polyreactor, MRS extrusion system, rotary filtration systems and 3C rotary feeder (QKDQFHG FDYLWDWLRQ 6XSHULRU WRRO VWHHO %DODQFHG +5 V\VWHP 0ROG# '3: 2QH 6WRS 6ROXWLRQ )RU 6LQJOH 6WDJH ,6%0 0ROGV 0ROGV 6XSSOLHG *OREDOO\ ^ŝŶŐůĞ ^ƚĂŐĞ DŽůĚƐ ZZZ DFPHGULQNWHF FRP VDOHV#DFPHGULQNWHF FRP 3K &5($7,1* 02/'6 :,7+ $ ',))(5(1&( "DNF %SJOLUFD 4PMVUJPOT --1 9LVLW XV +DOO %RRWK F 'ÙVVHOGRUI *HUPDQ\ 2FW p 02/'6 )25 $6% 0% 0 '3+ '3: $2., 6,3$ HWF