Insider 11 / 2022

MARKET SURVEY 23 PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 11/2022 MARKETsurvey Company name Krones AG Herbold Meckesheim GmbH Sorema Div. of Previero N. SRL Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Boehmerwaldstr 5, 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 Mr Peter Hartel Head of Sales - Recycling Solutions +49 9401 70 5448 [email protected] Industriestrasse 33, 74909 Meckesheim, Germany +49 6226 932 0 Mr Achim Ebel Vice President Sales +49 6226 932 0 [email protected] Via per Cavolto, 17, 22040 Anzano del Parco (CO), Italy +39 031 63491250 Mr Dario Previero General Manager +39 031 63491250 [email protected] Frontend Sorting Section Input variable: collected pressed bottles, various colours Yes, with different qualities Yes Selective & deposit collection, from blacks bags or landfi ll bottle collection Output: sorted bottles, treated sidestreams Yes, separation in several valuable streams if necessary Yes Pre-sorting section with prewashing, delabelling, metal separation, fi lm separation, material and colour sorting Capacity range output [t/a] 10,000 t/a - much higher ranges are also possible if necessary 500 - 5,000kg/h Up to 20 t/h Floor space [m²] Starting with 1,500m² and more; will be designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Variable Depending on customer, multi level tower sorting line available Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] (if necessary) Only necessary if whole bottle washing is required 1 - 4m³/t Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Variable Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Grinder included Yes, with high quality suppliers, mainly from Europe Yes Yes Additional information Krones can act as turnkey-supplier and offers frontend from preferred partner Stadler Anlagenbau Equipment for bale opening, delabelling, prewash drums Prewashing delabeller to remove lables and clean the materials before sorters Sorting technology (NIR, laser, optical etc.), effi ciency in % OEM equipment, integration Best technology available according to input material and output targets Washing Section MetaPure W Input variable: Flakes, coloured proportion max 5%, not much chlorine Yes Yes Flakes, ground from bottles pre-sorted Output: Hot washed fl akes Yes, washed with hot caustic, rest humidity < 1% Yes Up to 10 t/h Capacity range output [t/a] 7,000 t/a - 42,000 t/a; higher output possible by multiplying sections Up to 5t/h Up to 10 t/h Floor space [m²] 450- 2,100m²; higher output reqires more space ≈ 1,800m² Depending on customer, multi level and tower washing line available Fresh water consumption per tonne output [m³/t] 1.5 - 2,0m³, depending on input quality 1- 4m³ Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply Depending on individual scope Minimised, according to input material & water treatment design Kind of polymer (PET, PP, PS, HD-PE, LD-PE etc.) PET, PP, PS , PE-HD, PE-LD All Washing line with multiple material available: PET, PP, PS, HDPE, LDPE… Additional information Krones own manufacturing Hydrocyclone technology for density separation State of the art washing system, full automatic for fl akes for the most demanding application. Decontamination section MetaPure S Input variable: Flakes or Pellets Flakes Integrate sub supplier technology including decontamination section Output: Flakes or Pellets Flakes, pellets According to production & supplier specifi cation Capacity [t/a] 3,500 - 12,800 t/a per decontamination unit According to production & supplier specifi cation Floor space [m²] 450 - 520 m² per decontamination unit According to production & supplier specifi cation Approvals (FDA, EFSA, others) FDA, EFSA, various brands According to production & supplier specifi cation Consumption kWh per tonne output [kWh/t] Designed to fi t the needs of the customer; depending on the scope of supply According to production & supplier specifi cation Additional information Krones own manufacturing Turn key lines available on request Periphery Fresh water treatment Yes Yes Sorema desing & built water tretment Waste water treatment Yes Yes Sorema desing & built water tretment Heating systems Yes, with partner Yes Sorema desing & integrate heating system based on steam, electrical, cogeneration and other technologies Nitrogen generator Yes, with partner Integrate in case of turn key line Compressed air Yes, with partner Integrate in case of turn key line Chemical dosing Yes Yes Sorema desing and built chemical dosing systems Kind and quantity of detergents Chemicals use is strictly confi dential Caustic soda 8.0 - 12.0 ml per kg output Yes Additives 0.5 - 1.0 ml per kg output Yes Defoamer Depending on infeed quality Yes Acid for neutralisation 1.2 - 1.8 ml per kg output Yes Removal of the organic residuals up to which size [μm] As needed to achieve higher fl ake quality State of the art washing system to grant the minimum surface organic residue Presetting residence time in the process Yes, according to desired fi nal product quality Yes, batch reactors with controlled residence time The system is easy to set in all its parameter including the residince time in the hot washing. Company also offers systems for Yes, in cooperation with partners Bottle-to-preform Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-fi lm Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-fi bre Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-strapping Yes, with partner Yes Bottle-to-tray Yes Tray-to-tray Yes Suppliers of recycling plants and washing units