Insider 11 / 2022

36 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 23 No. 11/22 02/'6 $6% > 0% 0 '3+ '3:@ $2., 6,3$ (7& $ 1IBTF ** .BZBQVSJ *OEVTUSJBM BSFB /FX %FMIJ JOEJB 1IPOF &NBJM TBMFT!BDNFESJOLUFD DPN 8FCTJUF XXX BDNFESJOLUFD DPN 0ROG# '3+ )BMM #PPUI $ 0DU %ÝTTFMEPSG (FSNBOZ 7JTJU VT 0ROGV 3URYHQ *OREDOO\ ^ŝŶŐůĞ ^ƚĂŐĞ DŽůĚƐ Measuring packaging wall thickness With its Thickness Pen, Agr is showcasing a new option for measuring packaging wall thickness using a portable device. According to Agr, an application has been made to patent the device, which has been developed for a variety of different applications in thickness measurement in the production environment. The idea behind it is flexible use in almost all areas, including the laboratory, the production hall or even a wet environment. Marketing Director David Dineff explains: “The device offers an easy way to determine precisely and non-destructively the wall thickness of non-ferrous packaging, regardless of its size, shape or material.” The device has a Dual Mode design, which offers users the option to measure in magnetic mode or capacitive mode, depending on what is most suitable for the particular application. In magnetic mode, a target ball is used in the measurements. This mode offers a level of precision corresponding to conventional Hall effect devices but with greater simplicity and reliability, and without the concerns connected with sensors using stronger magnetic fields. “In this mode, the Thickness Pen can be used either in its docking station for table measurements or on its own as a portable device anywhere where critical measurements are required,” says Dineff. “The magnetic mode offers high measurement precision, which is required for thin, non-ferrous materials as well as for ultra-light containers and packaging.” The capacity mode enables one-sided measurements without requiring a target ball. This is ideal for taking measurements on the production line, for example, or wherever portability is desired and the risk of product contamination by a target ball represents a problem. The Thickness Pen’s capacitance mode offers a quick “touch and go” measurement method and is ideal for measuring large containers, plate material and large preforms where using a target ball isn’t practicable. “The device is compatible with smartphones and tablets,” explains Dineff. “With the app, the user can call up and manage the type and size of the data it shows wirelessly via Bluetooth, as well as record and install updates to keep everything up to date.” Agr’s Thickness Pen