Insider 12 / 2022

DRINKTEC REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 18 No. 0/17 33 SoftBoost, a new split heating hopper Blow molds | Blow molding machines | PET bottle design | Packaging equipment APF-Max series All-electric FRQɍJXUDWLRQ 4XLFN FKDQJHRYHU IRU RWKHU SUHIRUP W\SH %ORZ PROGV TXLFN FKDQJH NIR KHDWLQJ V\VWHP Hot Fill RSWLRQ 6SDFH VDYLQJ RYHUDOO GLPHQVLRQV HEAD OFFICE PET Technologies GmbH Grünlandgasse 5/1/12 2620 Neunkirchen, Austria tel.: +43 720 775 196 RIɍFH#SHW HX FRP Piovan presented its new hopper for up to 1,400 l. The hopper is designed for the rapid drying of regenerated PET with the aim of preserving the characteristics of the resin as much as possible, to obtain a highquality finished product and finally guaranteeing a high productivity. The new, patented air channeling system allows the granule to be heated to the core in just 40 minutes to quickly bring it from 120-180 °C. Completing the dehumidification directly or close to the injection moulding machine allows the main dehumidification hoppers to be used at temperatures between 120 and 140 °C, thus limiting heat loss. At the same time, this makes it possible to work along the plasticising screw of the press at lower temperatures, reducing further thermal stress during moulding and limiting the production of scrap. The reduced residence time of the material in the SoftBoost hopper, at the required working temperature, avoids unnecessary stress on the rPET and allows its mechanical, chemical and optical characteristics to be preserved. The small size and versatility of the system allows fast material changes even during mould changes, reducing downtime and maximising plant utilisation.