Insider 01+02 / 2023

MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 01+02/23 32 nology will reduce AA levels in PET bottles by up to 80%. Furthermore, it allows for further optimisation in the bottle-blowing process, producing a better quality bottle with improved mechanical strength while reducing carbon emissions. This can help to increase rPET content by reducing processing issues such as bottle blowouts, which can often lead to a loss of productivity. ColorMatrix AAzure has a light blue tint, useful for offsetting any yellowing from using rPET. Use of sustainability-enabling additives that can address these challenges and help grow the percentage of rPET employed in the future stand to play a fundamental role in the packaging market. Conclusions In the coming years, the industry will see several significant changes within the packaging market. Sustainability initiatives need to be front and centre in order to achieve a truly circular economy by the middle of the century. The use of rPET is already mandated with specific targets in certain regions. Its composition and the number of recycling loops the material goes through will drastically change the makeup of PET bottles that enter the market. Additive manufacturers will need to adapt their offerings to help converters and brand owners operate in such a changing environment. Bottle manufacturers will have to choose products to help move the industry towards a real circular economy. Selecting the proper additives for PET will enable the ease of use of rPET and help maintain PET as the material of choice for the future. Blow molds | Blow molding machines | PET bottle design | Packaging equipment APF-Max series All-electric FRQɍJXUDWLRQ 4XLFN FKDQJHRYHU IRU RWKHU SUHIRUP W\SH %ORZ PROGV TXLFN FKDQJH NIR KHDWLQJ V\VWHP Hot Fill RSWLRQ 6SDFH VDYLQJ RYHUDOO GLPHQVLRQV HEAD OFFICE PET Technologies GmbH Grünlandgasse 5/1/12 2620 Neunkirchen, Austria w tel.: +43 720 775 196 RIɍFH#SHW HX FRP