Insider 03 / 2023

TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 03/23 42 Based on internal development but also on a series of joint ventures and collaborations, his company’s new offering includes materials recycled mechanically and chemically, as well as grades based on renewable feedstock. Blow moulded containers are just one component of the complete packaging solution we call ‘plastic bottles’. Other components – such as caps and closures, labels, etc. - are just as necessary and are also covered by the conference. For instance: through the Single Use Plastics Directive, the EU Commission has mandated a complete transition to tethered caps by July 3, 2024. Bericap is one of the suppliers providing solutions in this area. Group Technical Sales Director Andreas Brem detailed that offering and the technologies behind it, in his presentation ‘Innovative tethered caps meet blow moulded containers’. Which gave Sjoerd van Laar, Product Manager at Heuft, the perfect opportunity to introduce ‘Futureproof closure integrity: inspection of tethered caps’. The company’s inspection system creates a standard histogram and identifies deviations from that pattern. One of the well-known challenges of recycling is the labels attached to bottles and jars. In his presentation entitled ‘Labels in the context of recycling’, McBride’s Packaging Process Engineer Klaas Geneyn explained the holistic approach adopted by his company, which placed it well on its way to achieving the 2025 recycling targets. For brand owners like PepsiCo, time to market is one of the most important metrics of success. Senior Manager Global Beverage Packaging R&D Max Rodriguez explained how his team has achieved an amazing breakthrough in this respect: ‘Concept to Manufacturing in 5 Days: Utilizing Advanced Capabilities at PepsiCo’. This methodology is colloquially known as ‘Concept on Monday – product on Friday’. Last, but by no means least: the organisers invited Policy Officer Dr Wolfgang Trunk from the European Commission DG Environment to review the impact of Europe’s brandnew regulatory framework for packaging and packaging waste. Fortuitously, the Commission’s debate finished the day before the presentation, enabling Dr Trunk to reveal the main points of the new regulation at the conference. His review was met with keen interest by all participants. The next (7th) edition – Blow Moulding 2023 – will take place on 12-13 December, in Cologne, Germany.