MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 12 PCR colour prediction service & colourants for beverage closures Colourful solutions Based on articles by Sandrine Reboux, Sr. Marketing Manager Personal & Home Care Markets, Avient & Marco Schaefer, Senior Marketing Manager Food & Beverage Packaging EMEA, Avient Corporation Avient’s PCR Color Prediction Tool is a service that digitally illustrates the colour possibilities or limitations of certain types of PCR before sample development. This can help brand owners and technical colourists simplify the process of transitioning to higher levels of PCR content, shorten the time-to-launch of new product ranges, and create global colour consistency. For the caps and closures sector, the company‘s portfolio include specifically developed colourants for the colouration of organoleptic-sensitive applications. Supporting use of recycled content Avient’s recently launched PCR Color Prediction Service (CPS) is a digital tool developed to help recyclers, converters, and brand owners to have a fast and reliable colour assessment prior to initiating sample development in recycled resins. PCR packaging. Using the CPS, recycled resin colouration was simplified and the time to launch was shortened by avoiding lengthy lab trials, says Avient. Organoleptic colourants for beverage closures “Organoleptic” describes anything involving the senses: taste, sight, touch, smell and sound. Organoleptic influences are especially important when offering a product consumers expect to have a neutral taste, such as water. The beverage market has, for some time, recognised the importance of organoleptic influences in the buying process and is paying increasing attention to it. Most consumers can detect even minute traces of substances that cause off-taste and/or unpleasant odour in mineral water. Any unwanted organoleptic experience associated with the product and the associated brand can lead consumers to reject it. In worst-case scenarios, expensive product recalls and claims for damages can result. Every step in the value chain, from raw material producer to the retailer, has the ability to help to reduce the risk and avoid negative organoleptic influences within their respective areas of control.Caps and closure systems can be a source of tiny quantities of contaminants that can compromise taste and odour. Avient’s SenseAction colourants for caps and closures have been specifically developed for the colouration of organoleptic-sensitive [email protected] THE rEVOLUTION IS HERE rPET continuous vacuum drying technology follow us DRVseries First introduced in June 2022, Avient’s CPS can digitally illustrate, in real-time, the colour possibilities or limitations of certain types of postconsumer recycled content (PCR), simplifying the overall colour decision-making process during product development and launch. The tool helps optimise the ratio of virgin resin to PCR in order to achieve the best acceptable rendering, proven by scientific data. It can be utilised on a coloured resin of any given shade and aims to decrease complexity when different mixed grades of PCR, both polyolefins and rPET resins, are used. It is particularly powerful in rPET as a slight undertone variation can have a dramatic impact on the final rendering of a transparent-coloured bottle. At K 2022, Avient showcased its success with the CPS in working with L’Oréal, helping the beauty products brand overcome PCR colouring challenges for its Redken line, enabling global colour consistency across all Redken