MARKET SURVEY 30 Vol. 24 No. 04/23 Preforms Company name Société Générale des Techniques (SGT) PDG Plastiques Novapet SA Sacmi Imola S.C. Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail 3 Rue de l’Île Macé 44412 Rezé, France +33 2 40 05 09 37 Mr Pierre-Henri Jany Sales Manager +33 2 40 05 09 37 [email protected] ZI secteur 2, 45330 Malesherbes, France +33 2 3834 6195 Mr Francois Desfretier General Manager +33 2 3834 6195 [email protected] Paseo de la independencia 21, 3. Zaragoza, Spain +34 976 2161 29 Mr Antonio Lázaro Preform business manager +34 976 216129 [email protected] Via Provinciale Selice 17/a 40026 Imola, Italy +39 0542 607111 Mr Moraldo Masi PreformDivisionDirector [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) Yes Preforms in alternative materials (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? Yes, BioPET & PEF BioPET - PP PP & PLA Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) 1-100% (upon requests), own food grade rPET: CIRPET Yes, up to 100% Yes, from 10-100% 100% List of additives available All colours & barrier technologies: UV blocker, AA reducer; O2 & CO2 scavenger, reheat additive, white colour for UHT milk, slip agent Prelactia 100% light barrier for UHT sterilised long shelf-life milk, Oxygen, UV, CO2 barriers Concentrates (for milk and light sensitive products); colours, lubricants, nucleants, under customer requirements Preform range Preforms for use in bottled water, CSD, food, dairy, juices, oil & vinegar, sauces & condiments, home and personal care, wine & spirits, industrial and other applications. 27/31 (36g-45g-57g-66g); 27/32 (25.10-50.10g); 55mm for 5 gallon, refi llable application (450-650g); 30/25 high neck & low neck (13-44g); 30/25 BB light (22.50-28g); 29/25 without step, (9.3-35.8g); 29/25 (9.5-36g); 28 PCO 1810 (16-52.5g); PCO 1881 (14.50-50g); PCO 1881M (13-17.50g); 26/22 (17-30g); 28 BPF (20.5-53g); 38mm 42/3638mm 43/36-38mm 43/36.5 (without step)-38mm 43/36.5-3 mm hot fi ll (14-70g); 33mm (12-26g); 48/40 (77-160g); 21/29 (20-52g); 28/22 (23g); 28/400 (20g); 28/410 (19.5-52.50g); 28/410 with anti-back off system (34- 40g); 22H30 (18g); BVS 30 H (40-53.50g); CRC63 (385g-400g-450g); 38/400 (18-28g); 24/410 (24g); 26/22 CSD (28-29.50g); 29/23 (30.50g); 48CH (90g); 63/54 (385g) 24/410 (24g) cup 51mm (9.20g) Coloured preforms, Preblow technology, Mint-Tec technology; 29/25 shorty (8-10.5-11.7-18.721- 22-23-23.5-24-24.5-26.5-28g); 30/25 high (17.5-24.5-26-28-31-33-36-39-50g); 26/22 (10.5-17-23-28.5-30-34g); 38mm 3 start (18-2228-32-33.5-35-44-50-62-64g); Prelactia 38mm 3 start (17-24-28-38g); 48/40 (47-55-62g); 21/29 (22.5g); 27/32 (6,5g dairy & smoothies); 25/20 (6.5- 8g dairy); PCO 1810 (20-33.6g); PCO 1881 (18.5-27-30-32-36.5g); 29/23 (24-27-33g chemical); BVS 30H60 (50g wine (high oxygen barrier)); 22H30 (19g wine (high oxygen barrier)); ultra-light weighting 2.4g preform standard and specifi c preforms for mineral water, dairy, juice, CSD etc.; overmoulding technology for 2 layers preforms Ø 29/25 W (short neck) 330-2,000ml (10-32g); Ø 30/25 W (std neck) 3302,500ml (11-47g);Ø 33mm (23g); Ø 48mm W 5,000-10,000ml (77, 82, 98g); Ø PCO 1810 (std neck) 5003,000ml (18.5-54g); Ø PCO 1881 (std neck) 300-2,000ml (18-38.7g); Ø GME 30/40 (32.2g); Ø 38mm 3006,000ml (21-78g); Ø 29/21 edible oil 0.5 and 1 l (22-25g); Ø 42/34 edible oil 3 and 5 l (75& 85g); Ø Pilfer 28mm small formats (17.5&25g); Ø 28/410, 300-1,500ml (24-30-36.542.5g); any other shape and weight under customer requirements 5 - 140g [email protected] Made in Germany Preforms Company name Retal Industries LTD Hodmeter Plastipak Varioform PET Verpackungen Ges.m.b.H. Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Epimitheos St. 6, Ind. Area A, Limassol, 3056 Cyprus +357 25 270 500 Mr Fuat Karaev Global Sales Director +357 25 270 500 [email protected] 140 rue Louis Pasteur 76160 Darnétal, France +33 950 373 373 Mr Antoine Brémilts Sales & Marketing +33 684 633 154 [email protected] Ringlaan 7, 2960 Brecht, Belgium +32 3 330 08 12 Mr David Albeniz Sales & Marketing Director - EU [email protected] Industriestaße 5 3134 Reichersdorf, Austria +43 2783 7114 0 Mr Ing. Werner Maurer Managing Director +43 2783 7117 0 offi [email protected] Preforms Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) Yes Yes No Preforms in alternative materials (PP/PLA/PEF) Which? Applicable Yes, PLA & PEF No Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) Yes, rPET content 10-100% Yes, up to 100% Yes, up to 100% List of additives available O2 scavanger (example- Amosorb) AA reducers; slip agent, UV blockers; brighteners; nylon; Polyshield All colourants and barrier technologies Please contact for further information Preform range Around 800 different preforms designs with different weight (9.7-485g) and neck (PCO 1881, PCO1810, PET cycle PCO 1810, High PCO 1810, PCO Hybrid, BPF, 30/25, 29/25, Hexalite 26/22, Obrist, 34/29, 38mm, 29/21, 28/410, etc. 700g for 5 gallon refi llable bottle Plastipak supplies preforms for use in bottled water, CSD, food, dairy, home and personal care, alcohol, industrial and other applications. Plastipak has a wide range of preform sizes and weights (too numerous to list). Varioforms preform portfolio includes different preforms for the beverage and non food usage. We produce preforms from 13.5g up to 54g with PCO 1810, PCO 1881 as well as PET-Cycle neck fi nishing. Company name FlexBlow Postal address Telephone number Website address Contact name Function Direct telephone E-mail Vytauto str. 114A, LT-97134 Kretinga, Lithuania +370 445 51431 www.fl 0 U $ XULPDV ä LDXã \ V Regional Manager, Europe +370 612 42946 blow@fl Preforms Multilayer preforms No Preforms in alternative materials (PP/ PLA/PEF) Which? PET, rPET, hot-fi ll PET, PP, PLA Preforms incorporating rPET (rPET content in %) Yes, up to 100% List of additives available Colours, O2 blocker, UV blocker, Slip agent Preform range FlexBlow develops and supplies affordable custom preforms for lightweighting projects, conversion from glass or HDPE to PET projects, hot-fi ll applications and any complex design containers