32 TRADE SHOW PREVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 04/23 www.petpla.net New machine models, digital services B e k u m w i l l inform about 20 n e w m a c h i n e models for smal l to large container volumes. One of the highl ights is t h e c omp a n y ’ s new 8 Series (see PETplanet 03/23), featuring energyefficiency, flexibility and short delivery times. Another focus is on the expansion of digital service support. With the expansion at the Austrian site in Traismauer, Bekum offers its customers shorter response times, comprehensive digital technical support via smart glasses, tablet and smartphone and a digital spare parts catalogue. For example, with the help of augmented reality smart glasses, remote experts can see live what customers see on site and can quickly and efficiently record faults and causes of faults and help solve problems. www.bekum.com Tethered closure for carton packaging United Caps, an international manufacturer of caps and closures, reported that it is focusing on tethered closures, particularly for carton packaging, with the 23 H-Pak solution. This closure, which has patents pending, includes a tamper-evident (TE) band that keeps all parts intact for easier recycling. The 23 H-Pak tethered closure is designed to make an instant connection with established filling lines, ensuring seamless integration with existing processes and fast production-line implementation. The closure comes with a first-time-use feature to create an optimal access point, enhancing the user experience. The cutting edge is specially designed to cut through the pre-laminated hole with minimal effort, providing a clean and smooth opening. This closure consists of three pieces – the spout, closure and cutter, while other solutions in the market typically consist of four pieces. www.unitedcaps.com UNITED CAPS Hall 10 Booth D67 BEKUM Hall 13 Booth B32 Remote maintenance via smart glasses BOTTLE TO BOTTLE RECOVERY MOISTURE CONTENT CONTROL PROCESS CONSISTENCY EXTREME BLENDING FLEXIBILITY MAKING THE DIFFERENCE ON PET. moretto.com follow us