Insider 04 / 2023

45 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 on the status of the Single Use Plastics Directive, which will be implemented by 2027. The implementing act for the calculation and verification of the recycled content was supposed to enter into force on January 1, 2022, but actually lasted until 2023. An important factor in 2024 is the implementation of the tethered caps for beverage containers with a capacity up to 3 l. As a further step for the year 2025, the directive stipulates that PET beverage bottles must consist of at least 25% recycled material and that 77% of SUP beverage bottles up to 3 l must be collected separately. An evaluation of the directive should take place in 2027. They summarised the status of the Recycled Plastics Regulation (EU) 2022/1616 as follows: The Regulation was adopted on September 15, 2022 and entered into force on October 10, 2022 with a limited implementation period. Approval decisions for individual mechanical recycling processes are expected in 2023. Similarly, the establishment of an EU register focusing on mechanically recycled PET is expected to be implemented, as well as actions on novel technologies. As one of the most important deadlines in terms of transparency for the use of recycled plastic, Leonor mentioned October 10, 2024, which is the deadline for the introduction of independent third party certification of plastic waste quality assurance systems. Leonor presented numerous other EU projects that are still under revision. Hall Booth Only from KHS: freshness protection which is 100% bottle-to-bottle recyclable. With FreshSafe-PET® YG JCXG EQODKPGF VJG DGPGƂ VU QH 2'6 CPF INCUU DQVVNGU +VU YCHGT VJKP KPUKFG NC[GT QH INCUU MGGRU DGXGTCIGU HTGUJ HQT NQPIGT s CPF OCKPVCKPU VCUVG CPF XKVCOKPU 6JG EQCVKPI KU CNUQ HWNN[ EQORCVKDNG YKVJ '2$2 FGUKIP IWKFGNKPGU HQT TGE[ENKPI CPF KU TGEQIPK\GF D[ VJG #24 6JKU KU [GV HWTVJGT RTQQH QH JQY YG CTG EQPUVCPVN[ TGKPXGPVKPI the PET bottle. JVVR RGV MJU EQO HTGUJUCHGRGV PET BOTTLE. THE REVOLUTION OF THE IT DOESN’T COMPROMISE ON RECYCLING EITHER. Dr M. Leonor Garcia and Dr Suzanne de Cort gave an overview of the different EU directives and regulations.