Insider 05 / 2023

MATERIALS / RECYCLING PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 05/23 11 MATERIALS / RECYCLING 11 PETplanet: You are in regular contact with Brussels regarding the PPWD. What are the main criticisms you have of the directive? And what are your recommendations? Bielenstein: First: we are convinced that the regulation is the right approach. We welcome the current directive to become a regulation. We also support the goals of the regulation: all packaging should become recyclable and should be re-use whenever this makes sense. This means to be sustainable in environmental, social and economic terms. Our main criticism is the too detailed approach. This is not only the case regarding the governance of re-use systems. It is also e.g. that there are paragraphs regarding hygiene and food safety. No question: this hygiene and food safety is of highest importance. But the packaging regulation is the wrong place to regulate that. There are two more important things: re-use needs a transition period regarding recyclate rates. And PPWR needs to cover the return of re-use container in an appropriate way. PETplanet: What innovative & new types of packaging or materials do you see in the beverage packaging sector? Do you see reusable as an opportunity here? Bielenstein: Our next task is to rise the rPET share of our reusable bottles and to further reduce our carbon footprint on production and logistics of the re-use containers. Anything that’s helps to reach these goals is welcome. And: we should not limit ourself to beverages. PET is a wonderful material: we should further explore how to apply it for re-use packaging solution in other food- and non-foodpackaging whenever this makes sense in environmental terms. It is our job to share our learnings in the beverage sector to make this a success. Product design Product development Product validation Industrial production plant Process & quality control On-site and start-up assistance After-sales and Customer service SACMI 4.0 THE COMPLETE CLOSURE, PREFORM AND CONTAINER SOLUTION FOR YOUR SMART FACTORY E N D L E S S I N N O V A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 1 9