Insider 06 / 2023

MARKET SURVEY 25 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 06/23 Kosme Gesellschaft mbH Sipa Gewerbestrasse 3, 2601 Sollenau, Austria +43 2628 411 0 Mr Johann Gugler Managing Director +43 2628 411 125 [email protected] Via Caduti del Lavoro, 3 - 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy +39 0438 911 511 Mr Paolo De Nardi Project Leader/Stretch- Blow Moluders Development +39 0438 911 624 [email protected] Rotary blowmoulder Linear blowmoulder EBS KL HC Ergon Linear Machines (5 models) Rotary Machines (7 models) Xtra: 6 to 24 (8 models) Rotary Blowmoulders SFL Performance 3H,4H,6,7,8; SFL Flex2; SFL Dynamic 2H,3H, 4,5; SFL Big 6,4; SFL Maxi 1,2,3; SFL WM (Wide Mouth) Linear Blowmoulders 0.05 - 3.0 (up to 4.0 l depending on design) 0.25 - 3.5 0.25 - 3.0 3 - 10 0.5 - 30.0 0.5 - 11.0 5 - 30 8 24 8 3 8 3 2,500 2,800 per cavity 1,800 bhc 2,500 2,700 per cavity 1,600 bhc 2,500 2,550 per cavity 1,800 bhc 1,200bph per cavity (*) Up to 1,250 for 5.0 l; 750 for 15.0 l; 700 for 20.0 l; 350 for 30.0 l 1,250 650 bhc 4.77 x 2.62x 2.35 min.: 4,500x1,830x3,100; max.: 5,100x1,850x3,100, (without preform feeding system) 6500 x 3500 x 3500 (without preform feeding system) Air recycling system, available also with PI, mould shells of linear machines are compatible with rotary machines, fast semiautomatic mould change within 10 minutes, preferential heating Active neck cooling, patented modular oven (low evergy consumption), block version with fi llers for all sizes available, all machines on one platform available Best output 2,700 bph/cav. with best process & Active angle: easy to blow. Reduced TCO: lower air and energy consumption (-25%). 30 sec to change blow mould (tool-less), simple use & maintenance. rPET Easy process. Bottles for water, oil, csd, heat resistant, oval simmetric and asimmetric, with preferential heating, neck orientation, with handle, wide mouth (up to 130 mm NF), large size (up to 30 litres), rPET, Tritan, PE, OPP Krones AG Boehmerwaldstr. 5, 93073 Neutraubling, Germany +49 9401 70 0 Mr Peter Christiansen Head of Sales Plastics and Block Technology +49 9401 70 4980 [email protected] APF-6004, APF-3002 APF-10, APF-5 APF-30 Contiform Speed, 15 models available Contiform, 13 models available Contiform Heatset 13 models available Contiform Preferential Heating, 10 models available Contiform BigBottle 3 models available 0.2 - 2 0.1 - 2.0 0.1 - 3.5 0.1 - 2.0 0.1 - 3.5 3 - 10 15 - 40 4 28 28 22 2 1 1,500 2,750 2,500 2,000 (Heatset) 2,500 1,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 (Heatset) 2,500 1,500 2,400 2,400 2,000 (Heatset) 2,400 2,000 1,200 1,200 500 for 20-40 l 2,500 (still water/CSD) APF-6004: 8.6 x 3.2 x 2.5 APF-3002: 6.4 x 2.8 x 2.3 APF-10: 8.2 x 3.4 x 2.6 APF-5: 7.4 x 3.2 x 2.7 6.7 x 2.4 x 3.1 Depends on machine size Quick mould change, air recovery system, oval and complex shapes, space saving dimensions, hot fi ll option, patented mould closing system Lightweight containers for 3-6 l with 38mm preform, APF-5: 2 independent blowing units to produce two bottle formats/volumes by turns Possible to blow PET kegs and 4-5 US gallon returnable and one-way watercooler bottles on one blower Bottle design and mould manufacturing; bottle lightweighting concepts, Nitro-hot-fi ll; air-recycling systems for standard- and heat-set machines; rapid toolless product change-over systems; automated mould change-over systems (MouldXpress robot); integrated preform- and bottle inspection; Contiform Bloc (blower-fi ller-block); Contiform Bloc BL (blower-labeler-block); Ergobloc L and LM (blower-labeler-fi ller-block); Contipure Asept Bloc with integrated preform decontamination, Preferential Heating (PH) for non-round bottle production. Contiloop AI for automated process control.