Insider 07+08 / 2023

MAINTENANCE PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 07+08/23 27 MAINTENANCE 27 All of these new cleaning capabilities support the five pillars of predicable cleaning in manufacturing: process, people, practice, punctual, and purlieus. Cleaning with smart dry ice blasting machines, from manual to fully automated and integrated cleaning solutions, provides a powerful and reliable process, says Cold Jet. So that the benefits can be fully exploited, people in the organisation must be well trained and informed though. Smart dry ice blasters provided with the Cold Jet Connect platform put both machine and application training at operator’s fingertips via a QR code. A library of training videos ensures operators are using their machine most effectively. To better standardise and monitor practices, smart machines have on-board recipe storage to take the guess work out of operator’s hands. Machines are password protected with lockout screen capabilities. Last but not least, operators have an insight to accurate cleaning times for improved cleaning results and environmental sustainability. Reporting of proper and timely cleaning is also critical. Cold Jet Connect provides a variety customisable cleaning reports: per job reports, daily reports, monthly reports to annual reports can be generated to document the cleaning process. Smart machines provide not only unrivaled cleaning intelligence but a remote support platform including diagnostics and service. The mobile app with augmented reality to connect with a Cold Jet technician gives the ability for a virtual guided repair via the phone or tablet along with the selection between a chat function or just scheduling an in-person service visit. Cold Jet says that cleaning with dry ice offers a green, sustainable solution for those focused on ESG initiatives. Being a product of carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) process, it does not add to the greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions score or CO2 carbon footprint calculation. The cleaning process is dry, non-abrasive and does not leave a secondary waste stream behind. Industry 4.0 technology helps to understand, controll and delegate daily cleaning practices.