MARKET SURVEY 28 PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 07+08/23 07+08/2023 MARKETsurvey Company name AF Compressors, Ateliers François S.A. Siad Macchine Impianti ABC Compressors Kaeser Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-Mail Ateliers François, Rue Côte d'Or 274, Liège B-4000, Belgium +32 4 229 70 10 Mr Pascal Heyden Marketing Manager + 352 26 95 66 28 [email protected] Via Canovine, 2/4 24126 Bergamo, Italy +39 035 327611 Mr Giovanni Brignoli Compr. Div. Food & Beverage Product Leader +39 035 327609 [email protected] Azitaingo Industrialdea, 6, 20600 Eibar, Gipuzkoa, Spain +34 943 820 400 Mr Gonzalo Gabarain Global Sales & Marketing Director +34 647 413 760 [email protected] Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26, 96450 Coburg, Germany +49 9561 640-0 Mr Henry Beyer Product Manager +49 9561 640-5017 [email protected] 1. Machine designation / model number CE & L (high pressure) OPC (low pressure) BS Line Vito Next Horizon Synchro | Horizon Synchro LP | X-PET Sigma PETAir 2. Number of models in range 30 (high pressure), 22 (low pressure) 19 models 32 30+ models 25 3. Output in m³/hour 150 - 3,300 m³/h (high pressure); 432 - 3,480 m³/h (low pressure) 1,000–6,000 100-6,000 200-6,600 336-2,772 4. Compressor type High pressure blowing air (up to 40 bar) Oil-free reciprocating piston compressor "all-in-one" skid Low pressure air 7-10 bar Low pressure screw Low pressure oil-free piston compressor Screw type High pressure blowing air (up to 40 bar) 20-40 bar High pressure piston (booster) Piston High pressure oil-free piston compressor (atmospheric up to 40 bar) Piston type Integrated system All in one system, high & low pressure simultaneously Atmospheric compressor including VSD with largest regulation range from 18% to 100% of the capacity 5. Lubricated or oil-free Oil-free 100% Oil-free compressor Class 0 Low pressure compressor Oil-free 6-15 bar Oil-free 100% Oil-free compressor Class 0 Lubricated Booster compressor Oil-free 0-40 bar Oil-free Not needed, it's atmospheric HP compressor Lubricated Integrated system Yes Yes Atmospheric 100% oil-free compressor class 0 6. Machine layout L shape V V and H (horizontal) Horizontal opposed cylinders, forces balanced and virtually no vibrations V (2 cylinder), W (3 cylinder) 7. Number of compressor stages 3 stages, 3 cylinders for HP, 2 stages, 2 cylinders for LP 2 screw + 2 booster= 4 total 3 2 for LP and 3-4 for HP 1+1 8. Are special foundations required ? No No No No, virtually no vibrations No 9. Cooling system Evaporative or radiator system Water Water Water cooled (Closed cooling tower or aerocooler) Air (water option) 10. Belt or direct drive V-belt transmission Belt drive Direct Drive Low pressure compressor V-belt transmission Direct drive Direct Drive Direct Booster compressor 0-40 bar, V-belt transmission Belt drive Not needed, atmoshperic HP direct drive Belt Integrated system Direct Drive