Insider 07+08 / 2023

40 TRADE SHOW REVIEW PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 07+08/23 Sidel, Pascal Lefèvre, Vice President of Food, Home & Personal Care 1) Overall, what were your impressions of Interpack? We are here with our team and exhibits from Food & Beverages and our HPC (Home and Personal Care) business and have had many visitors to our stand for very detailed discussions. We found the fair lively and international. We are particularly pleased to have received the Special Jury Prize at the PackTheFuture Awards for our 1Skin bottle here at the fair. This 1l bottle, which we exhibited for the first time at Drinktec, does without a label for easier recyclability, but provides consumer information by means of engraving and QR code. 2) What aspects of your company offer were you highlighting? We have placed the focus on the end-of-line area. The RoboAccess_Pal S palletising unit is a very compact cell with a footprint of only 12m2, in which we have applied three new patents at once: the light-weighted carbon fibre clamping head is flexible and contributes to a high load capacity; to protect the worker, we have installed a mobile curtain for safe access during pallet feeding and removal; and the patented folding guarding system that allows the whole cell to be compactly folded and moved to where it is needed. We are also introducing the new Cermex ProSelex carton infeed module for asymmetrically shaped containers. It has a capacity of up to 300 ppm (products per minute) and comes with a reduction in changeover time due to a simplified process. An average changeover now takes between 1 minute for a new collation and 2 minutes 30 seconds for a complete bottle change. Friction is reduced by the module’s collating concept, which limits the number of contact points between the collating combs and the products. 3) What will be the coming trends in PET bottles? The answer is simple: sustainability! Our customers want lightweight solutions and a new style for their packaging. Using less material – the amount of plastic required being constantly reduced – but with more recyclates. We offer our customers the option of carrying out trial runs of their materials with us. Many of them come to us with the idea of switching to 100% rPET but as soon as they realise the cost and availability issues involved, they start by testing 30% or 50% rPET. Our company is, of course, able to produce 100% rPET on our machines. Unscramblers for empty bottles Spanish Posimat featured their recent developments of unscramblers and auxiliary equipment for bottle handling and transport. The robotic unscrambler Compactbot is suitable for the handling of various types of bottles at the same time, including asymmetrical ones, and is designed to automate the filling line quickly and easily even in limited floor space. Changeovers can be easily set up on the display and require no intervention in the mechanics, according to Posimat. The speed is 120 bpm. Posimat also introduced the unscrambler Micro, specially designed for small bottles, capable of performance rates of up to 200 bpm. The bottles are loaded into the unscrambler by a Hopper Elevator where they are distributed on an upper rotating disk and fed into the selectors, located around the periphery of the disk. The containers are simply moved by air and gravity. The bottles then drop from the selectors into the funnels where they are discharged upright on the vacuum conveyor. Format changeover - performable in less than 5 minutes according to Posimat - is performed by simply unplugging and reinstalling selectors and funnels, tailor made for each container format. As the operation does not require any tools or adjustments, it can also be performed by unskilled operators. Micro was developed primarily for pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food applications.