MARKET SURVEY 30 Mould for caps Company name Z-Werkzeugbau GmbH Corvaglia Mould AG Plastisud Sacmi Imola S.A. Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Dr.-Walter-Zumtobel-Strasse 9, 6850 Dornbirn, Austria +43 5572 7272 0 Mr Michael Fink VP Sales & Marketing +43 5572 7272-610 [email protected] Hörnlistr. 14, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland +41 71 973 77 77 Mr Albert Brunner Director Sales & Service +41 71 973 77 52 [email protected] 5 rue Joseph Jacquard, 11400 Castelnaudary, France +33 4 68 23 15 57 Mr Saïd Afendi Business Development Manager +33 6 45 50 21 29 [email protected] Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A 40026 Imola (Bo), Italy +39 0542 607111 Mr Stefano Severi Sales Specialist Manager +39 335 659 4236 [email protected] Filling good: - beverages Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, water, juices, beer, coffee & teas, dairy, etc. CSD & carbonated bottled water, still bottled water (pressurised & non-pressurised), sensitive drinks (juices, teas, fl avoured waters,...), sports & energy drinks, others (dairy, edible oil, …) Still and sparkling water Still water CSD and sparkling water Juice, RTD tea, isotonic, cold fi lled / hot fi lled - other Edible oil, soy sauces and other fi lling goods possible on request Coffee, beer, detergents, other contents/applications are possible upon request Laundry, household Dairy, pharma & food - individial cap solutions Possible on request Individual cap solutions are possible upon request Closure: -type All single-piece standard closure dimensions for all neck fi nishes, sports closures, fl ip-tops, pushpulls, multi-component closures… Flat top & sports closures for neck fi nishes from 25 to 48mm, e.g. all Cetie standard necks GME 30.21 to GME 30.43 1 pces / 2 pces or 3 pces - tethered cap - sport cap Flat top, 25-48mm Flat top, 26-38mm Flat top, 28-43mm Flat top, child proof & stoppers, 18 - 63mm -material HDPE, LDPE, PP, TPE, … HDPE (PP for transparent parts) PP - PE HDPE HDPE and PP HDPE PP, HDPE and TPE -weight Lowest from 0.7g Starting from 0.8g from 0.7 to 7g From 0.8g up From 1.45g up From 1.65g up from 1.3-2.5g up Moulds: Clamping dimensions/cavities 16 to 144 cavities 24 - 96 cavities 32-48-64-72-96-144 cavitation moulds from 12 to 64 cavities from 12 to 64 cavities from 12 to 64 cavities from 12 to 64 cavities Preferred hot runner suppliers MHT, Mold Masters and others Various Plastisud not applicable Special features Several patented technologies for most effi cient closure production, with lowest downtimes and spare parts usage. Closure design approvals from all major beverage brand owners. Most economical closure designs for private labels. Tethered cap solutions for carbonated and non-carbonated drinks according to requirements of EU Directive 2019/904 In mould closing (electric) for hinged caps Cap systems Company name Netstal Maschinen AG Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH Sacmi Imola S.C Postal address Telephone number Web site address Contact name Function Direct telephone number E-mail Tschachenstrasse 1, 8752 Näfels, Switzerland +41 55 618 6111 Mr Patrick Waldvogel Key Acc. Man. Caps & Closures +41 55 618 62 06 [email protected] Altdorferstrasse 15 90571 Schwaig, Germany +49 911 50610 Mr Arnaud Nomblot Director - Bus. Develpmt. Pack. +49 911 5061 625 [email protected] Via Selice Prov. Le 17/A, 40026 Imola (BO) - Italy +39 0542 60 7111 Mr Stefano Severi Sales Area Manaer +39 335 659 4236 [email protected] Systems for cap/closure production Elion series, Elios series Model Injection moulding machines El-Exis SP CCM24SD CCM24SF CCM32MC CCM48SD CCM64MC Procession technology 2,200 - 6,500kN Injection moulding Compression Compression Compression Compression Compression Clamp force < 2 sec 1,500 - 10,000kN Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Cycle time (guaranteed 98% closure system effi ciency for) 26mm (GME 30.39); 0.75g; 128; 3,938 caps/min 26/22mm - up to 2,800 caps/min 29/25mm - up to 2,300 caps/min PCO1881 - up to 1,800 caps/min GME30.40 - up to 1,800 caps/min - High speed production: closure type/weight/cavities: caps/min Flip Top; 8.12 g; 48+48; 524 caps/min (IMC) 28 mm CSD/ 2 g / 24 cavities : 600 caps/min 38 mm CAF/ 2,6 g / 24 cavities : 600 caps/min 26 mm water/ 0,9 g / 24 cavities : 1000 caps/min 28 mm CSD/ 2 g / 32 cavities : 980 caps/min 26 mm water/ 0,9 g / 48 cavities : 2000 caps/min 29 mm water/ 1,2 g / 48 cavities : 2000 caps/min 28 mm CSD/ 1,8 g / 64 cavities : 1920 caps/min 38 mm CAF/ 2,6 g / 64 cavities : 1600 caps/min - Individual cap solution: closure type/weight/cavities: caps/min Electric and hybrid Drive concept Product specifi c, as low as 0.37kWh/kg ±10% Hybrid electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic electric / hydraulic Energy consumption (kwh/kg) Customer & project specifi c selection 0.40g, varying upon application equal or more than 0.4 kwh/h equal or more than 0.4 kwh/h equal or more than 0.35 kwh/h equal or more than 0.35 kwh/h equal or more than 0.4 kwh/h Preferred mould makers Lowest unit costs, fastest ROI & best OEE for systems, smart operation Z-moulds / Plastisud Sacmi Sacmi Sacmi Sacmi Sacmi Special features Smart operation, twin-valve technology, high-speed toggle lever clamp myConnect Possibility to assemble only 12 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change Possibility to assemble only 16 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change Possibility to assemble only 24 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change Possibility to assemble only 32 moulds, inline quality control on all caps, cap weight adjustable from HMI, without mould change PETplanet Insider Vol. 24 No. 09/23